Starbucks/Prongsfoot/Jirius (non-canon)

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A/N I'm adding another ship to the Marauders wheel so we now have 3 ships left.

Me: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is illegal how cute!

Hermione: what do you mean it's illegal

Me: it's 2 brothers!

Harry: oh

Me: how cute is that! Not only is one here in this room one is dead!

Ron: huh???

Me: *snaps and box appears* now they are both in the room...kinda

Box: hello? Why am I in a box? I was in my coffin and next thing you know I'm in a bloody box!

Draco: THE BOX CAN TALK!!!!!

Me: yep

Sirius: prongs?

Harry: dad?

Box: Siri? Harry?

Me: oops

Harry: why is he in a box Sam

Me: I- I honestly don't know

Box: can I come out now

Me: awwwww of course we support you no matter what! *snaps and pride flags appear all over*

Box: what no can I come out of the box

Me: oh I guess so...

James: finally I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sirius: your alive

James: yeah I don't know how cuz I was in my coffin then a box then here

Me: I had him mailed here

Harry: dad...?

James: mini James?

Harry: dad...?

James: OMG ITS MINI JAMES *he runs and hugs harry*

Harry: can't......breathe......

Me: it's not that hard just breathe my dude it's not that deep

Remus: James let him go

James: fine *he puts Harry down who drops to the floor gasping for air*

Me: anyways time for the illegal ship which is JIRIUS

Harry: why is that ilegal

Me: cuz James and Sirius are practically siblings

Harry: oh

Me: I sink cuz that's not allowed

Everyone: sink

Me: photo time!

Sirius: SAY CHEESE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: sadly not that kind of photo but this kind

Me: sadly not that kind of photo but this kind

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James: oh

Me: yeah but it's not that bad we've seen worse

Ron: *shudders* we have

Me: how about a recap?

Everyone: NO

Me: to late

Me: this was the first ship Blamione

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Me: this was the first ship Blamione

Blaise: don't remind me

Me: This was the first good ship Ronmione

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Me: This was the first good ship Ronmione

Ron: at least this one was good

Me: I'm bored of old ships I wanna move on!!!

James: but I want to know of all the ships!

Sirius: me toooooo I only recently got here

Me: here *shoves my phone in their hands*

Sirius & James: oh god *throws up*

Me: ok let's move on from this pleasant situation shall we

*sirius and James get to the dracomort ship and projectile vomit several times*

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