Lunape (non-canon thankfully)

76 0 7

I spun the wheel 3 times and they were all bad options so I just went with the first one😭😭😭

Me: we just got done with snupin we don't need this

Ron: it can't be worse can it?

Draco: if it involves Severus

Me: ...

*crickets 🦗🦗🦗*

Draco: oh it does doesn't it

Harry: oh hell nah

Me: *does sad jazz hands* The ship is Lunape...yay

Draco: *projectile vomits all over the place*

Ron: *also projectile vomits*

Harry: *also also projectile vomits*

Me: *also also also projectile vomits*

Pansy: *also also also also projectile vomits*

Blaise: *also also also also also projectile vomits*

Seamus: *also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Dean: *also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Hermione: *also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Neville: *also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Ginny: *also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Fred: *also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

George: *also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Luna: *stares at everyone projectile vomiting for a bit then also also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Draco: * stops projectile vomiting all over the place*

Ron: *also stops projectile vomiting*

Harry: *also also stops projectile vomiting*

Me: *also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Pansy: *also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Blaise: *also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Seamus: *also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Dean: *also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Hermione: *also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Neville: *also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Ginny: *also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Fred: *also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

George: *also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Luna: *also also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

*Theo bursts in the RoR and *also also also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Me: *wipes my mouth on my sleeve and looks at the floor at all the projectile vomit* well that was fun...

Draco: can we just skip to the voting please

Me: sure but-

Ron: no we don't need Lucius and Snape here to vote

Harry: yeah it's obvious they would sink so please for the love of cheesecake can we move on!

Me: I don't like cheesecake so sink

Everyone including Theo who never left after projectile vomiting: SINK

Everyone including Theo who never left after projectile vomiting: SINK

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Draco: why *projectile vomits all over the place*

Ron: *also projectile vomits*

Harry: *also also projectile vomits*

Me: I don't know *also also also projectile vomits*

Pansy: *also also also also projectile vomits*

Blaise: *also also also also also projectile vomits*

Seamus: *also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Dean: *also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Hermione: *also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Neville: *also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Ginny: *also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Fred: *also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

George: *also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Luna: *stares at everyone projectile vomiting for a bit then also also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Theo: *also also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits as he walks out*

Me: *still projectile vomiting* let's move ship *flops face first into the floor

A/N I had to type 'also' so many times I had to stop and google how to spell it just cuz it started to look like I spelled it wrong. Also my dad know abt how I'm collecting weird ships so he randomly 'ships' characters together and I look them up to see if it's an actual ship and sadly 2 of the ones he suggested today are real😭

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