Haron (Non-canon)

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Me: next ship!

Pansy: how many are there?!

Me: 36! Counted them my self.

Ginny: 36?! But I have quidditch practice!

Me: boo hoo. Now-

Theo: why am I even here?!

Me: there's a ship that has you in it. NOW, the next ship is...drumroll please!

Twins: oooooo *does drumroll*

Me: be ready to never forget this, Fred, George you two specifically. HARON!

Ron and Harry: WHAT?!

Twins and Draco: *laughing*

Me *whispers to twins* Oi! Your never going to let them forget this?

Twins: never!

Ron: bloody hell! Sorry mate but no way!

Harry: yeah I agree! No bloody way!

Draco: and here I thought it was Potter wanting the sister, but no it was the brother!

Me: soooo? Sink or ship? I ship it. Kinda

Ron, Harry, Ginny, Dean, Neville: SINK. It's just to weird.

Ron: Come on Mione! No way you're shipping this!

Hermione: sorry Ron! It's just to funny not to. Ship!

Twins: oh Ronniekins, in love with your best mate. Ship!

Silver trio: definitely ship!

Luna: I ship it. I think it's sweet, loving your best friend.

Me: Theo, your the only one who hasn't said anything.

Theo: do I have to?


Theo: fine! Sink.

Me: 8 ships and...

Harry and Ron: please more sinks please more!

Me: and...6 sinks! Sorry guys but this ship is sailing!

Harry: oh no

Ron: what?! It can't get worse can it?

Harry: she's going to put a photo!

Ron: what? No! Nope! Nopity nope nope!

Me: yesity yes yes! And since you hate it so much I'll find a REALLY fluffy cute one.

Me: here we go! A quidditch one too!

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Me: here we go! A quidditch one too!

Ron: oh bloody hell.

Twins: wish we had a muggle camera.

Me: here ya go!

Ron and Harry: NO!

*takes photo*

Me: let's move on now...

Ron: please no.

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