Dracomort (non-canon thankfully)

67 0 1

Again spun the wheel twice cuz the first option was...well this and the next one also had Draco but was worse. Also while writing the first sentence I got curious and wanted to see if there are any dracomort fanfics on Wattpad. THANK GOD I DIDNT FIND ANY. Just ones with voldies daughter but ur welcome. Ao3 has 177. Ur welcome.

Me: why am I doing this to myself these aren't even good ships.

Draco: that can't be good

Me: it's not...it's Dracomort *does sad jazz hands*

*projectile vomit thing is coming up so if u want to skip just scroll till u see bold*

Draco: *projectile vomits all over the place*

Ron: *also projectile vomits*

Harry: *also also projectile vomits*

Me: *also also also projectile vomits*

Pansy: *also also also also projectile vomits*

Blaise: *also also also also also projectile vomits*

Seamus: *also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Dean: *also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Hermione: *also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Neville: *also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Ginny: *also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Fred: *also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

George: *also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Luna: *stares at everyone projectile vomiting for a bit then also also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Draco: * stops projectile vomiting all over the place*

Ron: *also stops projectile vomiting*

Harry: *also also stops projectile vomiting*

Me: *also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Pansy: *also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Blaise: *also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Seamus: *also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Dean: *also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Hermione: *also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Neville: *also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Ginny: *also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Fred: *also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

George: *also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Luna: *also also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

*Theo bursts in the RoR and *also also also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Me: *wipes my mouth on my sleeve and looks at the floor at all the projectile vomit* well that was fun...

*ur safe*

Draco: why...

Me: also a fanfiction website has 177 stories of this ship

Harry: why do you know that???

Draco: no that's not the right question the right question is why she looked it up

Me: I honestly don't know

Ron: can we move on I don't have anymore food left to throw up

Hermione: shocking considering the fact you shovel food into your mouth every meal

Me: yes we can move on since this ship sinks but I still have to put a picture due to the rules...

Draco: just this once can you not

Me: no...I took an unbreakable vow with myself

Hermione: why would you do that???

Me: I don't know but I regret it

Harry: just hurry up I feel sick again

Me: ok fine...ewwwww

Draco: I'm going to be sick *projectile vomits*

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Draco: I'm going to be sick *projectile vomits*

Me: let's move on *also projectile vomits*

A/N you should know how the rest goes right?

How HP characters react to different ships!Where stories live. Discover now