Jiliy (canon)

50 1 3

A/N: we officially have 2 ships left on the wheel. Also if you wanted Harry to be emotional with his parent you won't be getting that. That's to normal for this story.

Me: *sobs* waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

James: is she ok?

Harry: you get used to it

Me: *still crying* we only have 2 more marauders ships after this

Sirius: does that mean we have to leave

Me: no no no you can stay

Sirius: yay

Draco: can we get this over with I want to leave

Blaise: yeah only 2 more then we're free

Me: uhhhhhhhhh about that....

Dean: don't tell me there's more

Me: ok

Seamus: how many

Me: lemme see

*insert SpongeBob a thousand years later sound*

Me: 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 there are 73 more ships *looks for everyone but there are just bones* awwww they died guess I have to go back in time...

Past Me: *sobs* waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

James: is she ok?

Harry: you get used to it

Past Me: *still crying* we only have 2 more marauders ships after this

Sirius: does that mean we have to leave

Past Me: no no no you can stay

Sirius: yay

Draco: can we get this over with I want to leave

Blaise: yeah only 2 more then we're free

Past Me: uhhhhhhhhh about that....

Dean: don't tell me there's more

Past Me: ok

Seamus: how many

Past Me: lemme see


Ron: sorry what now

Future me: there are 73 more ships but if you count them they will die before you finish

Draco: what?!

Past me: they die? I'm not that slow at counting!

Future me: we are that slow

Draco: what the fuck just happened

Past me: good question but anyways the ship is

Future me: JILLY

James: me and Lily?

Both mes: yep

Harry: mom?

Past me: yeppy *snaps and another box appears*

Box: hello why am I here James I swear to Merlin if you did this I will kill you again

Future me: nope it was me not James but he is here along with Sirius Remus Harry Ron hermione Draco Blaise Pansy Ginny Fred George Neville Luna Dean and Seamus.

Box: let me out now.

Past me: maybe

Harry: let my mom out

How HP characters react to different ships!Where stories live. Discover now