Blaronsy (Non-canon)

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Me: oooo this is a threesome! With a lion in snake territory.

Seamus: so one Gryffindor, and 2 Slytherins?

Me: yep and 2 out of the 3 are boys. Only one girl.

Blaise: so 2 boys and 1 girl. Nice.

Pansy: Blaise, you do not need to bring you bi-ness into everything!

Me: but it would come in handy.

Draco: ha! You also have a Gryffindor!

Blaise: and a Slytherin!

Harry: well what the ship, Sam!

Me: it's way more fun having you guess, especially since this is only one of 2 threesomes.

Hermione: so Zabini is one of the boys and one of the Slytherins.

Theo: just tell us!

Me: a hint, the other boy is a Gryffindor. The girl is Slytherin.

Pansy: so I'm apart of the threesome? Ew. No offense Blaise.

Blaise: offense taken! *dramatically falls onto a couch that appears with his hand on his heart*

Draco: ha! All 3 of you are stuck with Gryffindors!

Ron: so who's the other bloke?

Me: Ron, you've already been shipped with Harry-

Ron: don't remind me

Me: well-

Harry: *runs up in front of me with his arms up* Ron since you've been shipped with me, you can't be one of the blokes in this threesome!

Me: *hanging from monkey bars that appeared* well...about that, forgot to tell y'all but you can be shipped with more then one person.

Ron: so I'm the other bloke?

Theo: why the bloody hell are you up there?

Me: why the bloody hell not is the real question

Draco: Weasel is the other bloke? Sorry for you guys!

Me: yep! You have figured it out. The ship is BLARONSY! *jumps down as I yell it landing next to Harry who is scared shitless* Now, sink or ship. I sink this one.

Ron: thank Merlin!

Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Ginny, twins, Ron, Blaise, Pansy: Sink!

Me: Fred! George! Why don't you ship? You too Luna!

Twins: it's one thing to be shipped with Harry but...Zabini and Parkinson...

Luna: It could work but with the way Ron thinks it's most likely not going to.

Theo and Draco: well we ship it!

Pansy: Dray!

Theo: karmas a bitch

Me: well we have...13 sinks...

Draco: damn you all must really hate weasel.

Me: Ronald, shit up.

Ron: I didn't say anything!

Draco: even with a stranger I'm more liked!

Me: you were going to and Draco I hated you until well I don't really know when I stopped hating you, probably still do. *draco sulks and glares at me while Ron looks proud* We also have only... 2 ships. Sorry, Theo, sorry Draco! But this ship sunk!

Ginny: wonder what the photo will look like?


Blaise: oh come on weasel it can't be that bad!

Blaise: oh come on weasel it can't be that bad!

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Pansy: it's that Draco?

Draco: what? WHY IS MY HAIR RED?!

Me: Chill! I couldn't find a photo of them so I just colored your hair red so you could be Ron.

Ron: Malfoy should stay with bleach.

Draco: it is not bleach!

Me: talk about your hair later we still have ships to do! *tosses hair bleach to Draco where it hits him on the head and he gets a cartoon bump*

A/N so I was editing this chapter and realized that instead of saying shut up it says shit up and I feel it's to funny to change so if ur wondering why it's like that here's ur answer

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