Ronmione (Canon)

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Me: Poor Ron. He just can't get a break!

Harry: Ron got another one?

Ron: ughhhh really?

Me: yep but it's in your house this time. And not a bloke.

Ron: thank Merlin.

Me: this ship is a good one. RONMIONE!

Hermione: oh!

Me: so sink or ship?

Silver trio + Theo: sink.

Draco: actually I think weasel and the mud-hmp

Hermione: uh what happened?

Me: oh if someone tries to say *writes it in the air with wand* it gets muffled out.

Draco: actually sink. Weasel couldn't afford a house or anything.

Me: I ship it!

Harry, Seamus, Dean, Neville, Twins, Ginny, Luna: ship!

Harry: I think they would be really good for each other.

Twins: I think Ron wants Hermione's work.

Ron: do not! That wouldn't be the only reason I'd date her!

Hermione: you'd date me?

Ron: I-uh I mean I ship it!

Hermione: well good, I ship it too.

Me: awwww! Ron your face is the color of your hair!

Ron: oh shove off!

Me: I forgot to say this rule! If both sides of the ship, ship it, then they gotta kiss!

Harry: yeah Ron!

Draco: I'm going to throw up

Me: do it over there! *tosses bucket at Draco and it hits him on the head again but on the other side so now he has two cartoon bumps and looks like mickey* Now kiss!!!


Only for scenes like this I will put it in actual story form.
*Ron shuffles over to Hermione and stands there for a second before he kisses her softly. Hermione wraps her arms around his neck while Ron puts his arm on her hips.*

Twins: *wolf whistles* go Ron!

*they separate and blush a deep shade of red*

Draco: *gags* I'm going to be sick *puts head in the bucket the best he can with the huge bumps*

Ron: what happened to Malfoy?

Me: shhhhh! *throws this 🤫 emoji at him that makes another cartoon bump in between the other ones*

Harry: that happened...


Harry: Sam! We need a photo!!!

Me: YES!

Everyone but the Slytherins: awwwwww

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Everyone but the Slytherins: awwwwww

Me: I think this ship is sailing! Right?

Ron: if Hermione thinks so to then sure!

Hermione: the ship is sailing.

Theo: can we please move on! Draco is going to die and quite frankly I might too!

*Draco on the floor with the bucket on his head and cartoon stars around his head*

Me: fineeeee

Ron: can't you just let them?

Hermione: RONALD!

Me: no we can't we need them for the ships, or we need Draco. *snaps and the bumps disappear and Draco jumps up*


Theo: that means I can leave!

Me: yes, you can

Theo: yes *runs out but gets teleported back in* WHY AM I BACK?!

Me: I need to let you out, the spell will keep you in otherwise. *drags Theo out and shuts door* now we can move on!

A/N the only reason I know how to write kiss scenes is cuz of the amount of fics I've read😭

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