Snamione (non-canon thankfully)

87 0 5

A/N: ok so as you know I actually use a wheel to pick which ship I write about. I keep the tab open on my ipad but I accidentally closed said tab so I had to re-enter every. Single. Ship. So yea that was fun🤠

Me: *violently throws up on the floor*

Everyone: 👁️👄👁️

Me: oh god no why do people ship this ITS ILLEGAL

Hermione: what do you mean it's illegal???


Everyone: WHAT

Me: yeah so who's gonna help me go kill the person who made this ship *I have wand in hand while waving it around in the air with an evil glint in my eye and a maniac like smile*

Everyone: *raises hands*

Me: good let's go

*everyone follows me out of the RoR single file marching down the halls when we find an unsuspecting human*

Me: excuse me did you create the Snamione ship?

Everyone in line: THATS THE SHIP???

Me: did I not tell you


Snape: what is all the yelling for

Unsuspecting human: uh yes I did why?


*unsuspecting human drops dead*

Snape: YOU! You from earlier!

Me: what oh hi Sevvykins didn't see you there

Snape: you shall be going to Azkaban for not only using an unforgivable curse but on a mere muggle and don't ever call me that again

Me: I had a good reason Sevvykins!

Snape: and what is said reason and don't call me that

Me: they created the Snamione ship Sevvykins!

Snape: the what ship? DONT CALL ME THAT

Me: the ship between you and Hermione

Ron: it's one thing for Hermione to be shipped with my brother but with Snape

Snape: you are excused *turns and walks away with dramatic cloak swoosh*

Me: ok now what...

Luna: dig a 8 foot hole and put the body there then bury a dead animal body 6 feet deep so the muggle police dogs would only smell the dead animal. And do it in a cemetery.

Everyone: 👁️👄👁️

Me: thanks pookie 🤭

*buries body*

Me: let's vote! Sink

Everyone: sink

Me: Ok good. 👍

Draco: *projectile vomits all over the place*

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Draco: *projectile vomits all over the place*

Ron: *also projectile vomits*

Harry: *also also projectile vomits*

Me: *also also also projectile vomits*

Pansy: *also also also also projectile vomits*

Blaise: *also also also also also projectile vomits*

Seamus: *also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Dean: *also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Hermione: *also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Neville: *also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Ginny: *also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Fred: *also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

George: *also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Luna: *stares at everyone projectile vomiting for a bit then also also also also also also also also also also also also also projectile vomits*

Draco: * stops projectile vomiting all over the place*

Ron: *also stops projectile vomiting*

Harry: *also also stops projectile vomiting*

Me: *also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Pansy: *also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Blaise: *also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Seamus: *also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Dean: *also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Hermione: *also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Neville: *also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Ginny: *also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Fred: *also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

George: *also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Luna: *also also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

*Theo bursts in the RoR and *also also also also also also also also also also also also also also stops projectile vomiting*

Me: *wipes my mouth on my sleeve and looks at the floor at all the projectile vomit* well that was fun...

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