WOLFSTAR (practically canon)

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A/N: I DEFINITELY got this first try...and if you don't ship this you're not a real fan. Also Sirius isn't dead. Don't care what you say he's not dead.

Me: OMG MY OTP YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS *snaps and Sirius and Remus appear*

Sirius: oooooo what party is this?!

Remus: pads no this isn't a party

Sirius: how do you know that

Remus: cuz I've already been here

Sirius: you went to a party without me? *runs away crying cartoon waterfall tears* you don't love me!!!

Remus: padfoot no- ugh

Harry: I'll go get him... *awkwardly shuffles after sirius*

Me: ok it's time to get sirius here, the ship (which is the best one) is...WOLFSTAR

Draco: isn't that the murder Sirius Black

Me: yes
Remus: no!
Harry: *while dragging a sobbing Sirius back* no!

Draco: which is it!

Me: both so don't shit your pants

Draco: I never have shit my pants and never will

Blaise: yea you have remember...

Draco: *slaps a hand over Blaise's mouth effectively cutting off his oxygen supply* we don't speak of that

Blaise: *slowly turning blue*

Hermione: he's turning blue...

Me: he's fine just a bit chilly *snaps and Blaise is wrapped in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 layers of clothes*

Pansy: is he ok?

Me: he's fine! Just a bit of hay fever

Harry: I got Sirius

Sirius: hey motherfuckers

Remus: I told you not to say that every time someone else is here

Sirius: yeah well you don't love me so I don't have to listen to you

Me: for as much as I love Sirius, siriusly shut up we have to vote on the ship

Sirius: a boat? I love boat rides!

Me: omg no it's a ship as in relationSHIP

Sirius: oh so no boat?

Me: there is a boat *snaps and a row boat appears*

Sirius: *gets in boat* YAYAYAYAYAYA

Me: ok who ships it? I do.

Everyone besides Remus and Sirius: SHIP

Remus: what's the ship again

Me: it's Wolfstar, ergo you and Sirius
(It's Latin Derek!)

Sirius: yes?

Remus: oh well ship

Sirius: I ship too

Remus: Siri you don't even know what the ship is

Sirius: if everyone ships it it has to be good right?

Me: it is good, very good and THE SHIP IS SAILING and y'all gotta kiss

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