Snilly (Canon)

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I apologize in advance cuz some people may say Harry isn't emotional enough in this but I didn't want to take away from the point of this story.

Me: we need to go back in time for this one.

Harry: why?

Ron: how?

Me: Harry we need to go back in time because this ship has your mother in it. And Ron we will be getting there with this. *pulls out time-turner*

Hermione: how did you get that!

Me: well one day when you were working in the library I took it went back in time to another Hermione took her time-turned as well then came back to the present and gave one of the time-turners to the present Hermione and kept one. Now, let's go.

Harry: my mother is in this ship?

Me: yes. I'm sorry Harry but before we go I have to cast a silencing charm on all of us, along with an invisibility charm.

Draco: ...

Me: sorry what was that? And where are you? AHH

⏳Few days before Voldy⌛️

Me: ok I want you each to grab a stick and give it to me if you're here.

*everyone gives me a stick*

Me: ok now follow me and try not to move anything.

*walks up to the Marauders and Lilly*

Me: Hello!

Remus: oh hello!

Me: I'm Sam, I'm a witch and I have a question do you all.

Sirius: well ask away!

Me: can Lilly please get Severus Snape?

James: why-

Lily: of course. I'll fire call him, I'll be right back.

*she apperates away*

James: how did you know her name and why does Snape have to be here?

Me: well Mr. Potter, or would you prefer James, or Prongs?

Sirius: I like this kid!

Peter: I think it's creepy.

Remus: how do you know these things?

Me: let's just say you made a bit impact in the world, and Minnie says I'm a lot like your group.

Sirius: oh Minnie! You go to Hogwarts then!

Me: I do! I'm a bit of a trouble maker.

Sirius: do you know my name?

Me: which one? Sirius Black, or Padfoot?


*Lily appears with Snape*

Lily: Sirius what are you yelling for?

Sirius: She knows James and my name!

Lily: of course she would it's hard not to.

James: no not out real names! Our other names, Prongs and Padfoot!

Lily: she does?

Me: yep! I know Remus's name to, and the reason he's got that nickname.

Remus: you know why I've got my nickname?

Me: yes, Remus Lupin, or Moony. You have that name due to being a werewolf. But don't worry I won't tell anyone, I quite like werewolf's!

Remus: you do?

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