Netho (Non-canon)

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Me: oooooo Theo! This is the ship I was talking about!

Theo: oh hell no

Ron: this'll be good.

Draco: don't be a scaredy cat! *claps Theo on the back and pushes him up by me*

Me: ok ready to know who you're shipped with?

Theo: no

Me: well that to damn bad! So the ship is...NETHO!

Theo: and that is me and who?!

Blaise: you're made for each other! Both like green!

Theo: it's a Slytherin?

Pansy: no dumbass is a Gryffindor!

Theo: sorry what?! Who then?

Me: who has a name that starts with an N?

Neville: me?

Draco: pffft you got plant boy!

Me: I call him 🌸fLoWeR bOy🌸

*draco falls down laughing and rolls around*

Neville: you really had to tell him that?
(These lines inspired by: @Daisyroes33)

Theo: oh bloody hell. DRACO GET YOUR ASS UP!

Draco: *still rolls on the floor laughing*

Neville: uh I don't even know you!

Theo: let's keep it that way! Go back to your plants. DRACO I WEAR TO MERLIN IF YOU DONT GET YOUR ASS UP NOW-

Draco: *hurry's to get up and scrambles to other side of the room away from theo*

Me: um what in the world of cockroaches just happened? Actually never mind we have enough to worry about, so, sink or ship? I ship.

Theo, Neville, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Dean, Seamus: SINK!

Dean: No way is Neville being with a Slytherin!

Seamus: Yeah!

Me: you guys can talk! Never knew, who ships it?

Twins, Harry, Silver trio, Luna: Ship!

Harry: sorry mate but you do both like green.

Theo: I'm going to fucking murder you all who shipped it! Especially you, Blaise, Pansy, and, Draco!

Me: oh stop it! Now let's see...8 ships...

Neville: 8?! Why? Come on guys!

Me: shush! And...7 sinks! So close but this ship is sailing!

Theo: don't you dare put a photo!

Theo: don't you dare put a photo!

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Ginny: why are they in water?

Neville: that's not the point Ginny! The point is that there is a photo of us up there!

Me: next ship so stop sulking Theo!

Hermione: how do you choose the ships?

Me: I have a wheel of them all on my phone and spin it, whichever one it lands on that's the one I do.

Draco: ok but who the hell are you!


Harry: no but actually, who are you? Are you even a witch?

Me: *sends a stinging jinx and Harry* that prove that I'm a witch? And my names Sam.

Harry: yeah but why such an aggressive jinx

Me: why not? So next ship!

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