Snack (non-canon)

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A/N after this ship the last 5 all include James in them then we will have a new wheel. Side note and doesn't have anything to do with the story but when I type Ron 🍹 this is a suggestion. Idk why but it is.

Me: the snack that smiles back, goldfish! *throws goldfish in the air*

Pansy: why are you eating goldfish? Aren't they pets

Me: nope *shoves a handful in my mouth*

Ron: 🍹

Me: ooooo *snatches drink* slurp

Ron: HEY that's my drink

Me: mine now bitch

Gred: watch the language children are watching *points to you*

Me: meh *walks up to screen* do you care if I curse? No? Ok thanks bitch.

Forge: no like an actual child is here *points at teddy*

Me: oops... *snaps and he disappears* now there are no children MWHAHAHAHAHAH I CAN CURSE ALL I WANT! FUCK BITCH SHIT HELL DICKHEAD GIT PRICK NIG-

Dean: OK THATS ENOUGH only I can say that word. NIG-


Dean: oops

Me: yeah oops bitch

Hermione: can we get to the ship

Me: but it's awful *whines like a child*

Luna: it's can't be that bad it's love

Me: it's bad they would kill each other within 5 seconds (A/N I misspelled within and it auto corrected to shotgun. I'm concerned)

Ginny: yeah that is bad

Me: besides I have to summon the other person and the only way to do that is by sacrificing someone else

Everyone: 👁️👄👁️

Me: y'all look like you're about to shit your pants.


Me: ok *snaps and the lights turn blood red*


Me: komalaka komalaka komalaka SUMINA SUMINA MUVASTA YAAAAAAA CHUBALA NETAMI LOSAMA VODKA *rises off the ground possessed*

Ron: *crying* no please I don't want to dieeeseee waaaaaaaaaaa


*lights start to flicker*

Everyone: *balling there eyes*

Me: *draws a pentagram around ron* I PRESENT RONALD WEASLEY AS THY SACRIFICE!!!!

*lights turn off and everyone screams*

Me: *on the floor laughing* hahahahaha *wheezes*

Harry: someone turn the lights on!!!

Me: *still wheezing but snaps and the lights turn on*

Ron: *passed out in the middle of the pentagram*

Hermione: RON!

Me: *still laughing as everyone rushes to ron*

Ginny: how are you laughing??? YOU JUST SACRIFICED MY BROTHER

Me: *wipes a tear* he's alive *wheezes* y'all are so gullible *wheezes again while still rolling on the floor laughing*

Ron: huh what happened...IS THIS THE AFTERLIFE

Hermione: you're alive!

Ron: I was dead?

Me: *wheezing still* I didn't even get the other person for the ship here

Draco: well just do it!

Me: ok fine buzz kill *snaps and other person appears*

???: why am I here again?

Me: your in another ship! Now I bet you no one can guess the ship by the name which is SNACK

???: that includes me how

Me: well the first two letters are part of your name then the rest it the last name of the other person who is in the room

Hermione: snack...oh

Me: I'm guessing by how green you are you figured it out

Hermione: yeah and you were right they would kill each other

Sirius: what is it

Me: well this is awkward...cuz it's you and snape


Snape: that mutt?

Me: so sink...?

Snape: yes now if you don't mind I will be leaving *dramatic cloak swoosh*

Sirius: I'd rather die then be near snivilus

Me: so you also sink I do to

Harry: and I thought the ship with Snape and Remus was bad

Sirius: Remus was also shipped with snivilus???

Remus: Sirius stop with the names

Me: just vote so we can put the picture up and move on

Everyone: sink!

Me: thank god

Sirius: hmmmm it's needs less snivilus in it

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Sirius: hmmmm it's needs less snivilus in it

Me: yeah but NEXT SHIP

A/N: I realized that as I progressively got more off track it was basically like William Faulkner's work who just writes down whatever comes to mind and makes it a story. I did not plan to have a summoning but here we are

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