Facts about the Third World War

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Fact #1: During the Korean Theater, most troops will chemical protection gear when nearing missile silos.

Fact #2: The US made EMPs to disable enemy technology. Only five were successful made and were used on the last stages of the war.

Fact #3: Russia nuke itself and its neighbors during the last stages. Many of Baltic states, Ukrainians, Finnish, Belarusians, Kazakhstanis and Mongolians have a very large disliking for the Russians. Even the good ones and refugees.

Fact #4: During the second year of the war(2024), hair regulations for all branches of the US military has dropped to a point that service men and women are seen with either long hair or ponytails.

Fact #5: During the fourth year of the war(2026), many people as young as 14-17 enlisted in the military. When governments and the families of said teenagers found out that their young children were fighting a bloody war, but surprisingly survived even at the end of the war.

Fact #6: The number of teens(ages 14-17) that enlisted throughout WW3 in the US was 12 million. Only a 100,000 were KIA and that was during the final year of the war.

Fact #7: US President Lincoln Clinton is one of the first US Presidents to ever yell, "FUCKING SHUT UP!!!!" on a live meeting with congress and senators. Many Americans were glad that they voted for him.

Fact #8: Funny enough that the United States created NATO twice. First it was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(old NATO), and now the North American Treaty Organization(new NATO).

Fact #9: Botswana was one of the first African countries to bring in the Americans. Both army and marines.

Fact #10: After the war, many don't know if the African Continent is okay or not as it suffered the same fate as South America.

Fact #11: Chinatown in San Francisco became Japantown as many Japanese refugees and former JSDF resides there.

Fact #12: Crime and gang violence became zero during and after the war as during the second year, the president announced that any all crimes and gang violence will considered terrorist attacks. This made many street gangs, crime families and cartels turn themselves in.

Fact #13: One cartel group in Mexico is a ally in NATO as the leader is a former Mexican army Major.

Fact #14: North Korea and Afghanistan were only afraid of Canada.

Fact #15: After the war, Gurkhas were basically the US Marines best friends. And United States attack Dobermann.

Fact #16: A 'Flee on Sight' was given to Mina Takahashi and her squad as they were the definition of insanity in combat to the point that the US had to pull them out of combat zones to rearguard duty.

Fact #17: The US Marine Corps tank battalions and other parts of the branch were back in service during the sixth year of the war(2028).

Fact #18: Many enemy weapons were taken back to the North American Continent countries after the war. This includes vehicles as well.

Fact #19: Anthony Towson's full name is Anthony Spain Towson Jr.

Fact #20: Despite being old, many Vietnam, Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans renlisted. This includes Anthony's father who is a Gulf War veteran.

Fact #21: The war led to a significant increase in the development and deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous weapons systems by various nations.

Fact #22: Cyber warfare played a crucial role in the conflict, with nations engaging in extensive hacking and cyber attacks to disrupt enemy infrastructure and communication networks.

Fact #23: The war saw the rise of private military companies (PMCs) and mercenary groups, which played a significant role in combat operations and provided support to regular armed forces.

Fact #24: The use of drones for targeted assassinations and surveillance became widespread during the war, raising ethical and legal concerns regarding the use of such technology.

Fact #25: Several countries formed alliances and coalitions to strengthen their military capabilities and coordinate their efforts against common adversaries. These alliances often involved both traditional nation-states and non-state actors.

Fact #26: Many major cities around the world were heavily damaged or destroyed during the war, leading to mass displacement of populations and a significant refugee crisis.

Fact #27: The war resulted in a shift in global power dynamics, with emerging nations gaining more influence on the world stage and traditional superpowers facing economic and political challenges.

Fact #28: The war had severe environmental consequences, including widespread pollution, destruction of ecosystems, and contamination of water sources due to the use of chemical and biological weapons.

Fact #29: As the conflict escalated, nations faced severe resource shortages, leading to rationing of essential supplies such as food, water, and fuel.

Fact #30: The war saw the emergence of new tactics and strategies, such as asymmetrical warfare and guerrilla tactics, as smaller and less-equipped forces sought to counter technologically superior adversaries.

Fact #31: The use of propaganda and misinformation became prevalent during the war, with nations employing sophisticated psychological operations to shape public opinion and gain support for their cause.

Fact #32: The war spurred advancements in medical technology and battlefield medicine, as efforts were made to develop better methods for treating injuries and trauma on the front lines.

Fact #33: The war had a profound impact on the mental health of troops and civilians alike, leading to increased awareness and focus on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental health support.

Fact #34: The conflict resulted in the destruction of numerous cultural heritage sites and artifacts, leading to significant losses in human history and cultural heritage.

Fact #35: The Third World War served as a catalyst for significant geopolitical realignments and reevaluations of national security strategies worldwide, shaping the global landscape for years to come.

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