Ch 15: Big day coming up

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As Coco jotted down Summer's wedding tips, the conversation continued, and they discussed more details about the upcoming courthouse wedding. With Summer's advice, they started planning for a simple yet beautiful ceremony that would be meaningful and memorable for everyone involved.

Anthony: Thanks for the tips, Summer. You seem to know a lot about weddings.

Summer: Well, I've been married myself, and my mom used to give me all sorts of advice when I was younger. She said it's essential to be prepared for anything that might happen on the big day.

Blake: Your mom sounds like a wise woman.

Summer: She was. I lost her at a young age, but she left a lasting impression on me. I've always tried to live up to her memory and be as helpful and caring as she was.

Glynda: She'd be proud of the wonderful person you've become, Summer.

Summer smiled, appreciating the kind words from Glynda.

Glynda: Now, let's get back to planning. Anthony, do you have any specific ideas for the wedding ceremony?

Anthony: Well, I was thinking of keeping it simple and intimate. Just close friends and family, nothing too extravagant. And since we're going to a courthouse, the focus should be on the vows and the love we share, rather than elaborate decorations.

Coco: I agree. A heartfelt ceremony is what truly matters.

Harriet: And we can have a nice dinner afterward to celebrate.

Glynda: That sounds like a lovely plan. I'll make sure all the arrangements are in order.

Mina: And I'll help with the legal paperwork.

Summer: Count me in for any last-minute advice or emergency fixes.

Anthony: Thanks, everyone. I'm really looking forward to this.

As the group continued to plan and discuss the details of the wedding, Anthony felt a deep sense of gratitude for the people in his life. He realized that he was surrounded by a loving and supportive family, both biological and chosen, and he couldn't ask for more.

On the day of the wedding, we see the courthouse in Prince George's County, Maryland.

Inside, we David in his USMC Dress Blues and Frank, Tom and William in their US Army service uniform.

Ruby, Yang, Blake, Sienna and Summer were seen in nice dresses.

Surprisingly, Pavel Walker in his USMC Dress Blues who was also invited along with Veronica Rose. Apparently the two got together.

We also see all of Anthony, Coco, Harriet, Glynda and Mina's 17 children dressed for the occasion.

We also see Anthony's siblings like, Leah, Christopher, Vincent, Kevin, An, Amelia and Anora Towson.

And Anthony's mother, Denise Jackson Towson.

And Anthony was seen wearing a black suit and his medium long dreads in a neatly ponytail.

And walking slowly to him was Glynda, Harriet, Coco and Mina in beautiful white wedding dresses.

David:*quietly to Anthony* Tom called his father to have a AC-130H Gunship be on overwatch for the wedding. And I called in a favor to a old Battle buddy to have four platoons of Marines on standby.

Anthony:*quietly* Thanks my nigga.

David gives him a thumbs up in response.

As the ceremony began, the atmosphere was filled with love and anticipation. Friends and family gathered to witness the union of Anthony, Glynda, Harriet, Coco and Mina, and the excitement was palpable. The courthouse was decorated with simple yet elegant touches, allowing the focus to remain on the couple and their heartfelt vows.

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