Ch 13: Pentagon

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We open up to the Pentagon in Virginia. In one of the offices we see USMC General Dustin Walker on his computer and overlooking documents.

A second later, someone knocked on his door.

Dustin:*emotionlessly* It's unlocked.

The person that came in was Lieutenant General William Ryder Cole.

Cole: Still busy I see.

Dustin doesn't say anything, but nodded.

Cole: It's a good thing you and many other Generals approved to give a six week long vacation to Baker Company. Especially for First Lieutenants Anthony Lee Towson and David Sith Fernandes. As those two haven't even seen the birth of their kids. Much less interact with them for eight months and three years, technically four years.

Dustin: Which is why I'm planning on making sure they spend the needed time before deploying back to Mt. Glenn Base. And the tax free housing is just the icing on the cake.

Cole: Neat. And not that it's any of my business, but why did you put your kids in that company? Baker, Alpha, Charlie and Delta Company usually take dangerous missions.

Dustin: When I was eighteen, I took on dangerous missions for the experience. My mother, a former Soviet KGB Spetsnaz participated in dangerous missions at age of eighteen. I'm just passing on the generational torch.

Cole: Is this another reason why you and Fleet Admiral Artyom Eksinud are always at each others throats and Major General Mihaly Macnamara mediate between you two?

Dustin: Lock it up, Cole.

Cole: Look, I'm just saying is all.

Dustin's expression remained stoic, and he continued to focus on his work without responding to Cole's remarks.

Cole: Alright, alright, I'll drop it. But remember, I'm here to talk if you need it.

Dustin nodded slightly, acknowledging Cole's offer. He appreciated having someone to talk to, even though he rarely showed it.

Cole: By the way, there's a meeting scheduled with the Joint Chiefs in an hour. They want an update on the recent operations and the situation with the unrest in the region.

Dustin: Understood. I'll be there.

As Cole left the office, Dustin took a moment to collect his thoughts. The burden of command weighed heavily on him, and he felt the weight of every decision he made. The safety and well-being of his Marines were always at the forefront of his mind.

Looking at the picture on his desk of his family, he reminded himself why he fought so hard and why he took on such responsibility. He wanted to create a better world for his children and the generations to come.

With renewed determination, he returned his focus to the documents on his desk. As one of the Generals of Baker, Alpha, Charlie and Delta Company, he had to stay vigilant, making sure that his troops were ready and prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

His mind shifted to Anthony and David, and he hoped that they were making the most of their well-deserved vacation as former POWs. He understood the sacrifices they made as sub-leaders of Baker Company and the toll it took on their personal lives. As a father himself, he knew the importance of spending time with family and creating lasting memories.

With the meeting approaching, Dustin set aside his thoughts and delved into the task at hand. He would face whatever challenges came his way, just as he had always done, leading his Marines with unwavering dedication and strength. The journey was far from over, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead, knowing that the bonds of brotherhood within Baker Company would see them through even the toughest of times.

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