Ch 29: There are Shadows and Bastards

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Two weeks later.

We see Falcon Greene walking in a underground facility in Atlas. As he was walking beside two SC troopers he noticed how large the whole facility is.

When he got to the blast doors, he spotted someone that is considered Atlas' number one traitor.

Falcon: Dr. Arthur Watts.

Watts: Commander Falcon Greene.

Falcon: What the bloody hell you doing here? Actually, you know what? I can just kill you right now.

Watts: And not show you how to replace the numbers of both Atlas soldiers and Shadow Company Troops?

Falcon was silent for once-in-a-lifetime. Pondering what Dr. Mustache is talking about.

Falcon: What do you mean?

Watts presses a button on his Scroll and the blast doors opened and when the four walked in.

The two SC troopers jaw dropped and Falcon was shocked, surprised and amazed.

The two SC troopers jaw dropped and Falcon was shocked, surprised and amazed

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Watts: Greene. I present to you, your 1,500,000 Shadow Company Troops and for your brother. 250,000 Atlas soldiers. Both of you now have a clone armies.

Falcon:*grinning widely* Excellent. Not that I'm curious or anything, but who's DNA did you use to create the clones?

Watts: You be surprised how many dead SDC Security guards are in Solitas.

Falcon: So you used the DNA of dead guys? Man! You're a horrendous asshole. But your an asshole with beautiful ideas.

Watts: You can also thank Dr. Merlot for sending me the blueprints before his demise.

Dr. Watts led Falcon Greene and the two Shadow Company troopers deeper into the underground facility, where they could see the clone pods up close. The sight was nothing short of astonishing. Rows upon rows of pods containing the nascent clones stretched out before them.

Falcon:*in awe* This is beyond anything I could've imagined, Watts. But tell me, how did you manage to keep this all hidden from the higher-ups in Atlas?

Watts:*smirking* Oh, Falcon, my friend, you underestimate my resourcefulness. I have my ways of keeping certain endeavors discreet, especially when they can be so... lucrative.

As they walked among the clone pods, Falcon examined the faces of the clones, each identical to the next, with precise military discipline etched into their features.

Falcon:*thoughtful* They look ready for action. Trained?

Watts:*nodding* Trained, conditioned, and programmed with the skills and loyalty necessary to serve their respective armies. They'll follow orders without hesitation.

Falcon's grin grew wider as he saw the potential of this clone army. He envisioned the strategic advantages and the chaos they could sow among Atlas' enemies.

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