Ch 21: Marine vs Maiden

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A few days later, we see USMC Private First Class Ryan Cooper II patrolling near a settlement in Vale.

Normally, it's advised to be with a small fireteam when patrolling. But he wanted to be alone and enjoy the silence and nature.

He used to be like his father Ryan Cooper, when he was younger.

But that changed when he heard the news of his death. From a carefree, cheerful and friendly young teen. To someone similar to Dustin Walker.

Rarely smiles.
And bluntly honest.

As he walked, he suddenly stopped and stared forward. He then quickly moved to the side when something shot near him. The tree in front of him exploded and showered sharp splinters and chunks of wood all over the area.

He gets up before bringing out his M27. The sound of footsteps growing quieter met his ears and he looked at the assailant. He dove to the side when a tree fell towards him and kicked up large amounts of dirt when it impacted the ground. Smoke started to fill the area.

He stood up and looked at the assailant, lowering it slightly when he saw a woman standing on a fallen tree. Her eyes were a blood red and her hair was burning like the fire behind her. The fire itself started to tower over them and he readied his rifle.

 The fire itself started to tower over them and he readied his rifle

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Woman: Why don't we have a little talk? I need some answers...

She said lowly, cracking her knuckles loudly. His eyes narrowed dangerously at her and he spread his feet apart a bit quickly. He didn't say anything but just kept his eyes on her. Neither one were going back down

Her anger burned too hot while his mind was too cold and calculating.

Fire burned throughout the area and surrounded them as smoke clouded the air. The two stared at one another as the woman stood on a broken tree trunk. She glared at him with her eyes burning brightly. The feeling that seemed to radiate off of him was the polar opposite of hers. While hers was like an uncontrollable inferno, his was like a merciless blizzard. It was cold, ruthless, and dared to slowly kill anyone caught in its path should they stay too long within his presence. His eyes scanned her carefully, coming up with numerous ways to deal with the situation and a secondary plan should the initial one fail.

Ryan: Who are you? And what do you want?

He asked, keeping his M27 lowered but ready.

Woman:*sarcastically* What? I can't talk to you, soldier boy?

Ryan: People usually don't attack one another when they want to speak. And I'll ask again. Who are you?

Woman: Names Pixie. The new Summer Maiden. The former one was too.......weak.*gestures her fists* And I usually talk with these.


He just narrowed his eyes at her.

Pixie: I want to know why you soldiers killed her.

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