Ch 10: Gun Buyback

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During Baker Company's time off.

We see a man giving his shotgun to LAPD Officer named John Nolan.

A/N: If you got the reference, you get a cookie.

John: Thank you and here's your $100 Visa gift card for giving away your weapon.

The man happily took the card as he left the police station.

Next to John is officer Lucy Chen and officer Jackson West.

Lucy: So, we just gonna turn these into the military? What if one was used in a crime? Pre-war and during the war.

Jackson: Hey. No questions asked. It's just that. It's best way for people to turn in their unregistered weapons.

A Mexican soldier comes to them and takes the shotgun and papers.

Mexican soldier: Well that. And to get free gift cards. It is a gun buyback after all.

John notices a man come in the station with his wife and two teenage sons carrying a footlocker. The man was missing a right arm and had a eyepatch on his right eye.

John: Corporal Robert Stanley?

The man and his family looked up at Nolan.

Robert:*Australian accent* Specialist John Nolan?

John comes over to the Robert and gives him a handshake.

John: Good to see you!

Robert: Same here! I haven't seen you since I was injured during the Defence of Los Angeles!

Jackson and Lucy look at Nolan with surprised and shocked looks.

Jackson: You were in that battle?

John: Yeah, I was a Construction Contractor Pre-war and during the war, enlisted in the US Army after the death of the 200,000 Marines in Iran. God rest their souls. Was deployed to Australia where I met Robert and his family.

Robert: How you doing.

John: And after the war I gotten a honorable discharge from the Army and became a LAPD Officer.

Lucy: That's incredible, John. It's good to hear that you found a new calling after your military service. And meeting up with an old comrade must bring back some memories.

Robert: Indeed. The Defense of Los Angeles was one hell of a battle. We fought tooth and nail to protect the city. I'm glad to see you here, John. How's life been treating you?

John: Life's been good, Robert. It's a different kind of challenge being a police officer, but it's rewarding in its own way. And it's great to reconnect with you after all these years. How have you been?

Robert: Well, adjusting to civilian life hasn't been easy, especially with my injuries. But I've managed to find work as a consultant for construction projects. Keeps me busy and provides for the family.

Jackson: It's impressive how you've both transitioned into civilian roles and continued serving your communities in different ways. Thank you both for your service.

Lucy: Absolutely. It takes a lot of courage and dedication to defend and protect others, whether it's on the battlefield or on the streets of Los Angeles.

John: Thanks, Officer Chen and West. It's an honor to serve alongside you as well.

As they continue their conversation, the station remains busy with officers and civilians coming in and out, participating in the gun buyback program and contributing to making their community safer.

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