Ch 26: What the hell is that?!

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Meanwhile at the seas miles we see the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier battle group.

Inside the USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier we see US Navy Fleet Admiral Artyom Eksinud and next to him hearing radio message from William is USAF Corporal Kali G

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Inside the USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier we see US Navy Fleet Admiral Artyom Eksinud and next to him hearing radio message from William is USAF Corporal Kali G. McEachnie.

McEachnie:*to Artyom* Sir. We got a All Callsigns message from Master Sergeant Flukey about two KIAs and one heavily injured at his location. It sounded like he was sad or something, sir.

Artyom knowing full well that someone close to William was killed. He doesn't know who. But he wants to find out himself before anyone else does.

Artyom: Patch me through to him, Corporal.

McEachnie: Yes, sir.

McEachnie patches the radio channel to Artyom's personnel radio channel.

Artyom:*on the radio* Master Sergeant Flukey, this is US Navy Fleet Admiral Eksinud. Whose the two KIAs and one heavily injured exactly?

Artyom's voice breaks through the radio, addressing the somber situation unfolding on the ground.

William, receiving Artyom's communication, picks up his radio, his voice heavy with grief and exhaustion.

William:*with a heavy voice* Fleet Admiral Eksinud... the two KIAs are USMC Captain Anthony Spain Towson and CIA Agent Tammy Jones. The injured... it's my brother-in-arms, USMC Captain David Sith Fernandes. We... they encountered Falcon Greene... he... he had planned all of this... I couldn't save either of them on time... I'm so sorry, Fleet Admiral.

The weight of the loss and pain is palpable in William's voice.

Artyom's eyes widen in both surprise, shock and disbelief hearing the news. He then closed his eyes and took a long deep breathe.

He knew this routine already. And it always saddens him every time.

Artyom:*on the radio* We'll send in a SAR bird for evac for three casualties. What's your coordinates, William?

William:*via the radio with a heavy voice* Coordinates follow: Seven...Romeo...Eight....Five....One.

Artyom:*on the radio* Thank you. And......I'm sorry.....

The radio connection falls silent, the weight of the moment hanging heavily between Artyom and William. The grief is shared even over the distance of the radio waves.

After a pause, Artyom speaks again, his voice gentler.

Artyom:*on the radio* We'll do our best to get the evac there quickly, William. Stay strong. We'll get through this together. Eksinud out.

Suddenly, the water in front of the battle group began chopping and waving a lot.

US Sailor 1:*to Artyom* Sir! Something large is on the rader!

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