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The scene starts off with what looks a Shadow Company Trooper's Scroll with song's name on the screen before the trooper puts it back in his pocket.

As the song started playing it show the soldier's back and the year taking place.


After it showed the year the camera pans to the front showing what the trooper looks like.

As the trooper vibing to the beat and tapping his fingers to his Assault Rifle he turned his head as if he heard something/someone. And that someone appeared covered his mouth and slit his throat.

It then showed the attackers in mostly all black combat gear. While the one led the trooper what looked a hand scanner.

MARSOC: Threat neutralized.

As the Marine Raider placed the dead trooper's hand on the scanner to scan his hand. The scanner turn green implying that it worked.

The scene changes to that of Dusk, Ruby, Yagi, Cinder, Mako & Jaune all gearing up for a mission.

Dustin: You're here, because you're the best forces the UN has to offer.

As he says this it switches to another scene showing Brody, Ren, Noah, Roy & Yang grabbing guns and loading them.

Frank: You're all that keeps the world from turning to cinders, people.

As he says this it switches to another scene showing Harriet looking ahead with determination and Bula flipping a bowie knife and a Blackhawk flying over water.

David: We are working off the books.

As he says this it switches to another scene showing Pyrrha & Nina in what looks a infiltration job.

William: Operate in the shadows.

Tom: To keep wolves at bay

Sienna: Today, we reshape the world.

As they say this, it switches to more scenes showing a Vale Bullhead & a Venom flying side by side, then it shows Johannes and Pavel putting on suppressors on their guns, then it shows Hans putting away his gun for battle, then it shows Winter with winter gear on as she holds her weapon with an anger expression and finally it shows Weiss's weapon which is a M17 silenced pistol as she cocks the handle back loading a round in the chamber.

The scene changes to that of city with Fighter Jets and Mantas both flying and fighting in the air.


Raven: What the fuck are we doing in Los Angeles?

The scene changes to that of a boat consisted of Raven, Nora, Nina, Otto & Hina heading to the city and vaulting over a wall while police sirens going off in the distance. It then shows the streets and changes to Nora's pov to her and the others taking out enemies.

But the scene changes to that of an armored truck barreling through parked cars as the backdoors opened to show SC light and heavy troopers with LMGs.

David: Let them come.

The scene shows a SC heavy trooper shooting and manages to kill two LAPD officers, but Nora dodges and pulls out a M32 grenade launcher.

The next scene shows a SDF Ranger shot and killed by the SC heavy trooper barrage, but Nora comes out of cover a shoot her grenade launcher devastating effect killing both SC light and heavy troopers.

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