Ch 7: Time to face the fucking music!

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Two weeks after the incident with Shadow Company and Sofia's Cartel.

We open up to the city of Mantle.

Mantle was a city in the former Kingdom of Atlas, located on the northern continent of Solitas. It was the former capital of the now-defunct Kingdom of Mantle, later known as Atlas. It was located under the floating island of Atlas City.

Even before the Battle of Vale, the city was having the military and government centralized in Atlas, Mantle's economic and living condition were poor in comparison to the latter. And during the seven months and three years had only continued to plummet due to the Dust Embargo implemented by Jacques Schnee and Jet Greene. In election polls, Mantle was shown to have a total of 41 voting districts on electoral maps.

Many people attempted to try improving Mantle's working conditions throughout it's history, including the Happy Huntresses who were eventually forced to steal from the military after believing that their people were attacked by them, as well as Mantle's most well-respected Union leader Hanlon Fifestone prior to the Battle of Vale.

Now it was Martial Law in Mantle as both Atlas soldiers, AK-200s and AK-130s and Shadow Company troopers patrolling the streets of Mantle making any attempt at improving working conditions a pipe dream.

Mantle's most well-respected Union leader Hanlon Fifestone and many like him were either detained or "missing".

The Happy Huntresses were hiding out in either Mantle Crater or abandoned buildings as they had found out that they have a bounty on them.

And that bounty is for whichever SC or Atlas trooper captures/kills them.

The crater was a home for many Faunus who built slums with run-down buildings and tents with tattered clothes on them to live in. After the heating grid in the city went out, the city's population was forced to temporarily relocate here to stay warm. It was also shown that the slums were built in a crate yard with crates labeled "Mantle Shipping Co". The Happy Huntresses set up a tent with their Emblem to use as a temporary base of operations.

Now a lot of people, mainly the Faunus attempted to leave the city and immigrate to either Vacuo, Vale, Republic of New Menagerie, South America and North America.

But that's another reason why the Martial Law in Mantle with Atlas military and Shadow Company troopers patrolling the streets. To prevent its citizens from traveling to other places. And what's worse, is that any Faunus caught attempting to escape will be either killed on sight. Or hanged by a crane in slums as a example from Shadow Company.

The good news is the CCT towers in both Vale and Vacuo have been removed from any connection to Atlas and was recalibrate to work the same way as a cellphone tower.

It was another reason why the EMP was a great idea to shutdown communications for Atlas when the CCT in Vale was EMP'd.

Right now we see Robyn Hill, the leader of Happy Huntresses in a abandoned old bank is chatting with Coco, William and Anthony as the three snuck in Mantle via being air dropped by a C-5 Galaxy and are wearing disguises.

Fiona:*surprised* So your planning on rescuing us and getting us out of Mantle?

Anthony: Yep!

May: I hate to burst your bubble. But if you guys got in via air. How are you going to get us out?

Coco just points at the door and Elm, Yang, David, Vladimir and Ruby entered wearing hoodies with Kevlar vests underneath and carrying three large heavy looking US military crates.

William: Is that the "Insurance policy"?

Joanna: Insurance policy?

Yang: Yeah. Bad news guys. We were followed and heard Shadow Company troopers are coming.

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