Ch 8: A break pt 1

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A week after rescuing the Happy Huntresses. We see Anthony, Glynda, Harriet and Coco sleeping on the same bed at Anthony's home in Maryland, USA.

Surprisingly, next door was David's new home. In his bed we see him and Sienna sleeping as well with Sienna silently purring in her sleep.

All was quiet in the neighborhood.

Until a Guy blasting Caramelldansen bass boosted in his house very loudly.

As the loud bass beats of Caramelldansen fill the air, the peaceful silence of the neighborhood is abruptly shattered. Anthony, Glynda, Harriet, and Coco stir in their sleep, their peaceful dreams disrupted by the sudden intrusion of sound.

Anthony groans and rolls over, attempting to block out the noise with his pillow. Glynda furrows her brows and shifts uncomfortably, her sleep disturbed by the booming bass. Harriet and Coco exchange annoyed glances, their eyes still heavy with sleep.

In the neighboring house, David and Sienna are also jolted awake by the cacophony of Caramelldansen.

In the neighboring house, David and Sienna are also jolted awake by the cacophony of Caramelldansen

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David rubs his temples, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Sienna's ears flatten against her head, clearly displeased by the sudden disturbance to her slumber.

The loud music continues to reverberate through the walls, vibrating with an intensity that seems to defy logic. The neighbors glance at each other, wondering who could be responsible for this audacious display of sound.

Coco:*mutters* Who in their right damn mind plays Caramelldansen at full blast in the middle of the night?

Anthony:*groans* I don't know, but they better turn it down before I go over there and have a "word with them".

Glynda:*trying to maintain her composure* Let's hope they realize the disturbance they're causing and lower the volume soon.

As the minutes tick by, the blaring music continues unabated, becoming an unwelcome soundtrack to the otherwise peaceful night. The residents of the neighborhood can only hope that the culprit will eventually come to their senses and restore the tranquility that was once enjoyed.

But for now, they must endure the jarring sounds of Caramelldansen, and hope that sleep will find them once again amidst the chaos.

Soon, Anthony's nine kids entered the room. They were all same age 4 years old, 3 boys, 6 girls. All the boys hair is styled like their father Anthony's short dreads. But each one's hair color looks like their mothers. One had Glynda's Blonde hair, one had Harriet's Brown & Blonde hair and one had Coco's Brown hair.

All the kids were rubbing their eyes after being rudely awaken.

Anthony:*getting up* That's it.

Anthony goes under his and pulls out a M1014 and opens the nightstand drawer and loads the shotgun with Non-Lethal shells.

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