Ch 2: And we're 1

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A/N: Just turned 27. Yesterday I was 26 and single. Now I'm 27 and single.
A/N 2: Also should I do a face reveal?

As the Bullhead flew, Anthony asked a question.

Anthony: was know?

Frank: MIA and captured? About four years.

Anthony:*in disbelief* What?

David:*speechless* Four years?

Frank nods, a somber expression on his face.

Frank: Yeah, it's been a long time. We searched for you both, but there was no trace. We thought... we thought you were gone.

William: We never gave up hope, though. We kept searching, kept looking for any sign of you.

David: And now... here you are. It's hard to believe.

Anthony: What happened to us? How did we end up in that container?

Frank takes a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the floor of the Bullhead.

Frank: We're not entirely sure yet. But from what we've seen, it seems like Shadow Company was using you both as some kind of bargaining chip or leverage. They must have kept you hidden away all this time, waiting for the right moment to use you.

Tammy, who has been listening while Raven tends to her wound, speaks up.

Tammy: We'll find out the full story once we're back at base. There'll be time for answers and explanations. Right now, our priority is to regroup and come up with a plan to take down Shadow Company.

Anthony and David exchange a glance, a mix of relief and lingering trauma evident in their eyes. They lean back in their seats, taking a moment to process everything that has happened.

Raven: Just know that you're safe now. We won't let anything happen to you again.

The Bullhead continues its flight, carrying the team and the marines to a secure location where they can regroup and gather their strength. The journey ahead won't be easy, but together, they are determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding their captivity and bring justice to those who wronged them.

It was then that both of them now noticed Raven.

Anthony and David:*to Raven with a raised eyebrow* Weren't you in prison?

Tom: She was.

Raven chuckles softly, leaning back in her seat.

Raven: Ah, well, it's a long story. Let's just say that circumstances change, alliances shift, and sometimes unexpected opportunities arise. I managed to secure my freedom, and now I'm here, fighting alongside all of you.

Frank: She's proven herself to be a valuable asset. Saved our asses more than once.

Raven nods, a hint of pride in her expression.

Raven: It's true. I may have my own motives, but our goals align for now. Taking down Shadow Company is in all of our best interests.

Anthony and David exchange a glance, still processing the fact that Raven, once their captor, is now on their side.

David: So, you're fighting against Shadow Company now?

Raven: That's right. I have my own score to settle with them. They've caused a lot of pain and suffering, and it's about time they paid for their crimes.

Tammy: And we're going to make sure they do.

Anthony then noticed Vladimir's name and has a saddened look. Vladimir noticed and understood why the look.

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