Ch 14: Guess who's back

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Meanwhile, we see US Army boots walking on a sidewalk and heading to a front door knocking gently and ringing the door bell.

Child voice:*from inside the house* The door!

Opening the door we Coco revealing that the house is Towson's.

Coco: Can help-MINA!?

In front of Coco was Mina Takahashi in her US Army uniform.

In front of Coco was Mina Takahashi in her US Army uniform

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Mina:*sweetly* May I come in?

Coco just steps out of the way in fear of Mina and let's her inside. Including the 5 year old twin girls behind her.

As Mina entered the living room, she spotted Anthony Towson playing Need for Speed on his PS5. He looked at then double-takes realizing it's Mina.

Both looked at each other for what felt like a hour, but was only 5 seconds. Till Mina smiled and picked up Anthony hugging him.

Mina: You're alive.

Anthony expected something else to happen, but smiles and returns the hug.

Anthony: I'm alive.

Coco, Harriet, Glynda and the nine children looked at the scene with smiles on their faces.

Mina gently puts down Anthony and introduces the two 5 year old twin girls to him.

Mina: Teka, Taka, meet your father.

As a record scratch was heard, Anthony, Coco, Harriet and Glynda go wide eyed.

Anthony, Coco, Harriet and Glynda: I beg your pardon?

Mina:*smiling sweetly* Let's just say, I found a "certain bank" bank that you donated to a month after WW3 was announced that it was over.

Anthony: But that was 5........Oh my God.

Anthony now remembers donating at a Sperm bank in Texas on July 2032. A month after WW3 was declared over.

Mina: Yep. Your now the proud father of these two cuties. And six other girls.

Anthony looked at her in shock. Now he has eight more kids to take care of! So now he has seventeen kids!! Eight of which were born via from a test tube and from Mina Takahashi!!!



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