What happened at Argus and Kuchinashi?

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A/N: Replace the WW2 gear with modern gear.☝🏾

This took place a year after the Battle of Vale. 

3rd pov

The scene fades in to show a Mexican Marine overlooking Argus from an amphibious assault ship far away.

The camera turned around to show Javier Pedro's face who had what looked like a recent scar on his left cheek. Behind him multiple military personnel of both NATO, SATO, ROM and No-Pat soldiers and marines were seen preparing themselves for their offensive.

US Marine: Let's move, troopers!

Suddenly, the camera cuts Catalina Nav. Cye's twin sister. She is in her Power Armor holding her weapon and other Atlas and SC soldiers were all seen in formation, readying themselves for upcoming defensive.

In front of the formation is Duke who pull out his pistol before raising it in the air and yelling.

Duke:*yelling* FOR ATLAS!!!!

With the screen cutting to black and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Beat the Devil's Tattoo plays in the background.

The screen cuts to a probable Javier's pov as he sees amphibious vehicles deploying inside the ship's well deck. He also sees other NATO troops with him on an LCAC heading towards Argus where Atlas and Shadow Company were stationed. Helicopters both transport and attack, Osprey, No-Pat Bullheads and fighter jets also fly by to Argus. The camera cuts out Javier's pov, where he's looking towards the battlefield with a bit of nervousness.

Otto: We need to move in and push them out of that area, Oorah?!

Marines and Javier: Oorah!

The screen slowly faded to black before suddenly cutting to Catalina driving a motorboat, as she was looking around for any soldiers or marines.

Catalina then looked over and saw a group of soldiers all waiting to ambush them.

Catalina:*to her comrades & pointing* THERE!! SOLDIERS!!!!

This causes the two Atlas soldiers and a SC to open fire on the soldiers.

The three managed to hit their mark at the soldiers with their rifles as the motorboat drove by.

Salvadoran Soldier: Look out!

It cuts to the soldiers, marines and a few No-Pats now landing on shore as most of them used the vehicles for cover or gone prone on the ground. Some not so lucky as they were gunned down, with Javier's LCAC now arriving on shore dropping off both infantry and vehicles. One soldier in front of Javier gets shot in the head and Javier jumps over the dead soldier.

US Soldier: Everybody, go! Go!

The scene cuts black.

Kimble (voice over): Everyone charge!

It cuts to a part of Kuchinashi coastline where shows the Atlas and SC side, as Catalina was seen diving for cover behind wall of a makeshift artillery gun battery with other soldiers.

Kimble: Enemies coming! Over there!

He shouted towards an SC soldier next Catalina who nodded as he stood up and ran out while holding Dust Lunge Mine. He was seen charging with it toward the side of M2 Bradley in front of him.

The soldier then slammed the Dust Lunge Mine to the Bradley, blowing it up and surviving. Although he did fly back from the kickback.

The camera cuts back to Javier and the Americans, where he and two Panamanian soldiers are seen army crawling underneath incoming fire. However, this didn't help the soldier near him raise his head too high as he got shot through the eye splattering blood and brain matter on both Kane and the screen.

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