Ch 1: Saving

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Battle of Vale, NATO, SATO & ROM: November 2nd, 2033

Seven Months and Three years later......

May 5th, 2037

On the outskirts of Townsend, Delaware. William Flukey now a Master Sergeant, 32 and a father of a young 4 year old named David Flukey are seen climbing a tree at a great height.

William named David after David Fernandes.

David tries to reach out for the next branch but he can't reach.

David: Dad, I need help.

William looks down at his son.

William: You're 4 years old, David. This is high enough for you. But try to come down safely.

David: Okay...

A Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion can be heard and seen flying in the distance. David tries to get back down.

William: David...wait!

David slips and falls from the tree, cutting his hand on a branch and landing hard on the ground. William climbs back down to the ground just as the King Stallion lands. William attempts to look at David's wound, but he manages to get back up.

David: I'm fine. My aura is already healing it.

A older looking Tammy Jones and Major General Mihaly Macnamara are seen exiting the King Stallion and approach William.

Mihaly:*shaking hands with William* Maj. Gen Macnamara, Rangers. You already know Agent Jones.

William:*to Tammy* What are you doin' here?

Mihaly: Yesterday, a covert team found two HVTs on a rig in between the borders of Vacuo and Vale. This morning, the team lost contact of the rig.

David comes over to the trio's conversation.

Mason: So go get them, CIA. Why the fu-*sees David*-gde are you here?

Tammy: Shadows and Rebels are all over that border. We can't have a whole company go in. Plus, the CIA have buried the mission.

Mihaly: We got whatever you need Will. Name it.

Tammy:*to Mason* David can stay with Hudson(her husband), like before. He loves having him, Jenny and Tina(her two daughters) play together, he'll be fine.

David:*looks up at William* Dad, you promise you'll come back safe? Mom(Elm) said that Shadow Company are very evil people. Like the creatures of Grimm.

William considers, then looks back at David and smiles.

William: I promise.

William pats David on the head reassuringly.

William: I'll always come back to you, David. Just like I always have. You stay strong and take care of your Jenny and Tina while I'm away, okay?

David nods, his young face filled with determination.

David: I will, Dad. I'll be strong for Mom and for you.

Tammy: We'll make sure your dad comes back safe, David. You can count on us.

Mihaly: We've been through tough missions before, and we always come out on top. Your dad is in good hands.

A week later....

A No-Pat is seen burning and trapped inside an upturned HUMVEE. Master Corporal Vladimir Alyona and Corporal Johannes Verwoerd kicks at the glass to get to the man but it won't break.

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