Ch 4: Honorable, Honor, Dishonor and Dishonorable

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A few weeks later....

We open up to the Headquarters of Shadow Company. Walking to the front entrance of the building we see the Second-in-Command Elec Nav and her younger sister Cye Nav.

 Walking to the front entrance of the building we see the Second-in-Command Elec Nav and her younger sister Cye Nav

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As the two walked, Shadow troopers and Atlas AK-200s stood at attention as they passed.

Elec: It's peaceful. The city. The Kingdom.

Cye: Yes, Sister. It is.

Elec: It's been a while since we've had peace like this. The city, the Kingdom, it's all so calm.

Cye: Indeed, Sister. It's a welcome change from the chaos we've witnessed in the past. It seems like the efforts of Shadow Company and our allies have paid off.

Elec nodded, a sense of pride evident in her expression. As the Second-in-Command of Shadow Company, she had played a crucial role in restoring stability and order to the city and the Kingdom at large.

Elec: We've come a long way, Cye. From the early days of our training to now, leading this unit. It's been a challenging journey, but we've made a difference.

Cye smiled warmly at her sister, admiration shining in her eyes.

Cye: And you've been a great leader, Elec. Your strength, determination, and unwavering dedication have guided us through the toughest times. I'm proud to fight by your side.

Elec's gaze softened as she looked at Cye, a mixture of protectiveness and love in her expression.

Elec: And I'm proud to have you as my sister, Cye. Your courage and loyalty inspire me every day. Together, we've become a force to be reckoned with.

The sisters continued their walk towards the entrance, their steps steady and confident. They knew that their work was not yet done, but in this moment of peace, they found solace and hope.

Soon, the two saw Duke standing behind taking a group photo with two new Shadows.

Soon, the two saw Duke standing behind taking a group photo with two new Shadows

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