Ch 23: We meet in Kenya

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June 20th, 2038

It has been almost a year as everything is quiet. No Grimm attacks, Shadow Company is just only in Atlas and now most of Africa is 76% restored thanks to NATO & SATO.

During times of tranquility, it's crucial to continue working towards maintaining stability and addressing any remaining issues. As new challenges arise, it will be essential for nations and organizations to work together in unity to face them.

While it's not uncommon for periods of calm to be followed by new trials, it's also a time for people to cherish the peace and focus on building a better future. Celebrating the progress made so far and preparing for potential challenges ahead can create a strong foundation for continued growth and harmony.

Right now we see US President Lincoln Clinton with a online meeting with Professor Theodore, the Headmaster of Shade Academy, Canadian Prime Minister Jacobs Major, Mexican President Angel Jorge Santos, President of Brazil Larissa Yong Kodô, Professor Ozpin, Prime Minister Ghira Belladonna, Ironwood, Trinidad & Tobago 10th President Destra Richards and Cuban President Ramón Díaz.

Trinidad & Tobago 10th President Destra Richards

Trinidad & Tobago 10th President Destra Richards

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Cuban President Ramón Díaz

President of Brazil Larissa Yong Kodô

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President of Brazil Larissa Yong Kodô

President of Brazil Larissa Yong Kodô

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