Ch 28: Don't piss off a Takahashi

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We open up to a Joint-US-Mexican Base in Mexico as a Blackhawk flew in and lands in front of Dustin Walker.

Coming out of the helicopter was none other than Tomoe Takahashi in a Black & White Japanese Kimono and holding a metal case.

Coming out of the helicopter was none other than Tomoe Takahashi in a Black & White Japanese Kimono and holding a metal case

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She walks next to Dustin as he briefs to her the situation in Japanese.

Dustin: あなたの娘のミナがアトラスからこの男を選びました。 名前はヘイゼル・ライナート。 CIA、メキシコ特殊部隊、ゴースト、FBI、そしてグルカ兵さえも彼から何も引き出すことができなかった。 あなたの次女、マコさんは、私たちが最善の策だとあなたに言いました。{Your daughter, Mina picked this man out of Atlas. Name is Hazel Rainart. CIA, Mexican Special Forces, Ghosts, FBI and even Gurkhas couldn't get anything out of him. So your younger daughter, Mako said you we're our best bet.}

Dustin pulls out a keycard and swipes it opening the metal door showing Hazel with his head down tied to a chair in a room only in his underwear with Mako and Mina between him.

Tomoe puts down the case she was holding on a table as she walks up to Hazel with a innocent smile.

Tomoe: ゴゴゴゴ

Tomoe: You may not know who I am, don't you?

Hazel just stares at her.

Tomoe: So you may not know what I'm gonna do if you don't tell me what I need to know.

Hazel: You don't scare me, child.

Tomoe's eye twitches.

Tomoe:*to Mako and Mina* 彼を立たせてください。{Stand him up.}

Mako and Mina force Hazel to stand up as he looked down at them.

Hazel: What you gonna do to me again?

Tomoe doesn't say anything as Hazel kept on staring down at the petite women.

Then she kicks him in the nuts making him scream. In pain. Lots and lots of pain. And his semblance is cut off thanks to the building their in.

Tomoe:*in a sweet voice* Where's Falcon Greene, Mr. Rainart?


Tomoe then him kicked him in the balls again making scream in pain.

Tomoe:*in a calm gentle voice* Where's Jacques Gelé, Rainart-sama?

Hazel:*in pain & tearing up* My testicles are indestructible. This is nothing more than a-

Tomoe:*Cheshire Cat smile* Then let's test that indestructibly.

Tomoe then him kicked him in the nuts 8 times.


Tomoe: 1つ。


Tomoe: 二。


Tomoe: 三つ。


Tomoe: 四。


Tomoe: 五。


Tomoe: 六。


Tomoe: セブン。


Tomoe: 八。

Tomoe kicked him one more time but it looked like it hurt to the point of him nearly dying.

CIA Doctor: His vitals are spiking. He can't take much more.

Hazel:*in pain & tearing up* Your right.

Tomoe: We're just getting started.

Hazel:*in pain & tearing up* What?

Tomoe opens the case revealing a metal boot with bits of dry blood on it and inscribed on it in Japanese says: 睾丸削除器9000。

Translation: TESTICLE DELETER 9000.

Tomoe with a big smile on her face removes her sandal and wears the boot on her foot.

*loud steel*

Hazel gasps in complete fear.

Hazel:*terrified* W-What i-is that thing!?


Tomoe:*crazy smile* I know!*walks out the door*

Hazel:*terrified* No. No!

Hazel sees Tomoe walking in the dark hallway knowing why she's doing that. Which makes Hazel fear increase. As he can hear the metal clanging sound of the boot in the hall.

Hazel:*terrified* Wait! Wait a minute?

Tomoe turns around and ran towards Hazel as he saw he in the distance.

Hazel:*absolutely terrified* Oh okay, look. Maybe I was being stubborn.

Tomoe is getting closer to cell.

Hazel:*absolutely terrified* Let's try to talk this out!

Tomoe is almost to cell as she has a crazed smile on her face.

Hazel:*absolutely terrified and Nora closing in* Wa-wait I remember!!! Both are at-


Meanwhile with at Boyko Koval's house in Virginia.

We see Boyko in his bed sleeping soundly.

Hazel:*PAIN & high-pitched voice* ATLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!!

He wakes up a bit and between him also waking up is a very tired and naked Emerald and Cinder.

Emerald:*tired* Was that our baby again?

Cinder:*tired* Boyko, it's your turn again to rock them to sleep again.

Boyko:*tired* That's not them. It's probably the wind.

The two shrugs their shoulders and falls back to sleep holding on to Boyko with smiles on their faces.

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