Chapter 5

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I glance at Lavender who had dozed off a while ago. She had worn her best attire and plastered herself with makeup. 

 Luca who sat on my side had barely said a few words since we had met again. 

Some might think I had gone crazy, but he was looking different. His brown hair had a violet tint to it, his irises still had a yellow outline and he looked taller an muscular.

 Not that he wasn't before. I guess my mind was just messing with me. 

It had taken a lot of reassurance to my aunt and uncle that I would be safe on this trip. Leila had completely shut off after I broke the news of my leave and she barely looked at me when I was leaving. 

I look out the window and see an ongoing sea of darkness. 

Apparently it was for our  safety that we shouldn't see where we are going. In my opinion, that was complete nonsense.

"Aarii-" Luca says with a strained voice.

I snap my head in his direction and see the muscles in his throat constricting to be able to talk. 

"Please talk to me Luca. We're friends. Friends help each other." I plead while looking into his eyes. 

"I-I don't know what's happening to me, Ari. I'm scared. Ever since I took the exam I have been feeling strange." he whispers. 

I pat his disheveled hair and pull him into a hug. 

"We will figure this out together. You have all of us to help you! Don't worry about it. Take some rest. We don't know when we will be able to have a break next." 

His eyes are glassy and the bags under his eyes have gotten so visible. I doubt he got any sleep last night.


"No buts. Your going to make me start crying by seeing your depressing face and you know how bad I cry."

I was hoping to get a reaction from him but he just blinks at me and then falls asleep on my shoulder. 

I clamp my hand that isn't wrapped around him to my mouth. As quiet sobs break free. 

Luca and Kyle were the strongest boys I knew. With Luca like this, i just hoped Kyle was still himself. 

It hurt me the most knowing what his changes could mean. 

He had to be gifted. I'm not sure whether he came across that possibility or not. 

Maybe he had and that's why he was so down?

This would not be good though. The royals would claim him as one of their kind. 

He would be given a luxurious life but god forbid his abilities make him chosen to be in the army. 

This kingdoms army is one of the strongest ones out there and their training is deadly. 

As in thousands have died just in the first phase of the training. 

It's only Luca's sister who's 5 and his mom who's with him and without him I don't know how they would be able to survive.  

I sweep my locks of dark brown hair up into a bun and doze off besides him.

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