Chapter 4

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"Istv li jhuo euw ui inil! Liyei jis usiw vetierie?"

(Hey, she's one of them! Why is she here though?)

In front of us appears to be two floating creatures with black furry coats. They have long ashy hair that reach their waist and sharp teeth like those blood thirsty monsters do. Dark green eye shadow contrast their chocolate skin, while their white eyes glow. Skulls crown their head with blood dripping down it. And a chain with different weapons are put across their body like a sash. Black and red smoke follow where their muscular hands go. 

Ry's mouth forms an o and I'm too baffled to even realize what's going on. 

"Ry, lets go." I say and start dragging Luca's legs towards the direction of the houses. 

"Wait! Bell, she's ignoring us! Oh no! She forgot us! What do we do?" one of them says while now who I know is Bell, starts sobbing. 

Am I dreaming? How can such vile looking creatures speak like my 6 year old sister? 

"Leave all of us alone. I don't know who you both are." I say. 

"What the hell?! Ari what did you just say?" Ry screams.

"What do you mean?" I say puzzled. 

"That wasn't our language! You never told me you knew another language!"

"That's because I don't! I don't know what your saying! Let's just go home, all of us have had a long day." 

I look around to see where those creatures are but they are gone. 

Next morning in class: 

"Hello, again. I wouldn't say it is a pleasure to see your faces but what has to be done must be done. If your names are called, take your things and leave the classroom. You will be taken to the academy for further examinations and everything from your stay to your meals will be arranged for the next 3 days. " 

She peers at the shocked and confused expressions that were written across our faces before continuing. Hmph. The satisfaction she gets in keeping us in the dark. 

"Here are the names... And last but not least, Aurora Valentino." she says. And for the first time I  see her smile towards all of the people who were leaving the room. 

I quietly pack all of my things and gave a small wave to the rest of the class and rush out of the classroom. 

"Keep up our expectations and there will many opportunities for you all." a pale lady in a trench coat tells us. 

Why the heck couldn't they tell us why we were chosen and what they were going to test us on? 

I nudge Estel, and her eyes tell me she has no clue what they are doing either. If anyone ever wanted to know anything or the latest gossip, the first person to ask was her. 

Her brown hair has been put in a neat ponytail while she speaks in low whispers with her best friends, Lavender, Seraphina and Hazel.

"We will leave before dusk. Pack only the essentials. The rest will be given to you when you reach. Carriages will be waiting, there will be people to inform you which one you should travel in. Everything else will be told to you on the ride there. You should reach in the morning unless there's any issues. Hope you enjoy your stay at the academy!" the same lady says. 

Oh, I just hope I don't screw anything up. 

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