Chapter 20

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Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well! 

So there will be a time skip of 3 years in the story. I didn't want to go too much in to detail of everything that happened after Aurora, Ry and Lavendar went back to the academy as that would be a lot of chapters. I also wanted to fast forward the plot a little bit. 

I will be giving background info though on what happened during those years! If you guys do want a certain part in the story in detail you can comment about it and I'll try adding a flashback to that scene. 

(And by the way Aurora does not know that Alexanders true role. As for safety purposes only people close to him like Cassian know that or the professors who work closely with him in order to give him the best training he can get.)


Once all three of the girls went to the academy they all took different paths. 

Aurora's background:

She officially enrolled in the academy in the upcoming academic year. Many of the high-class people hated her as she obviously wasn't anywhere near their league. But eventually she did make 2-3 friends and of course had Ry and Lavendar who also were enrolled in the academy. There weren't that many encounters with Cassian or Alexander during those times of their study as they had both graduated for higher studies that took place near the palace. Aurora slowly started realizing how much potential she had once professors taught her how to bring our her power as well as tame it. Whenever she did encounter Cassian or Alexander though it didn't end well or Alexander ignored her but Cassian was a bit friendly. 

Anastacia: She was also a first year student when Aurora had enrolled and they became friends after Anastacia's friend ditched her to join the popular group of their year. Her specialty was she could draw power from nature to her benefit as well as communicate with animals. 

Ian: He was a second year student who came to Aurora's defense when she was attacked by spells by a group of students. They shortly became friends right after. He was training to be a war mage that wasn't associated with the royal army which is why he was able to get his studies from campus. 

Coralie: A first year student who had a strong connection with elemental capabilities related to the weather as in storm, rain, snow etc. She comes from an influential family but is not bothered with status and everything that most students who come from elite families have. She became friends with Aurora's group seeing that they were different from all the others in that class year and thought they were all interesting individuals. 

Ry's background:

It turned out Ry was a war mage with her abilities to conjure things while in a fight. She doesn't plan on going out in the warfront as it can get quiet dangerous and is opting for maybe signing up for some sort of security position. Though in the back of her mind she still wants to do the library job many people told her that she is capable of contributing way more with her abilities as a powerful mage. At her time at the academy she very much caught the eye of Cassian who won't tell her but started falling for her. Which is why she gets protected from a lot of situations that take place at the academy because even if he isn't there he has his set of eyes to look after her. 

Lavender's background:

She continues with her path in becoming a healer. Though she also like Aurora has to hide how far out she can stretch in her field as the professors are out on picking up individuals who possess abilities greater than the normal population at the academy. In which they will be extracted from the academy for better training which can also mean that the royals can do anything that they want with you. Her friendship with Coralie is pretty strong as their both from high backgrounds and her dad got a position within the elites workforce making her family respected amongst the students at the academy. 

Soo I think this much information is good enough for you guys to understand the plot ahead!

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