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Kazuha's POV

I opened the door to meet (Y/n) and Tomo. Tomo looked a bit uncomfortable before he spoke.

'Hey, lil bro...ya miss me?' he said with a nervous grin

I still felt like crying. I mean, this was my big brother. He was back after eight whole years he was back. I didn't know what to say or do. I mean, what could I even do? Tomo looked a bit dejected.

'No, I get're still mad at me for hurting you, and that's completely valid.'

(Y/n) gave me a comforting smile and nodded. I sighed softly.

'Welcome home.' I said with a forced smile

(Y/n) quickly pulled me aside. She took a deep breath.

'Kazu...Tomo's mentally unstable. He might and probably will have mental breakdowns. Back in the fatui prison, he was experimented on, and that's affected his brain chemistry. I know this is scary and concerning, so always know you can call me when things go outta control. I will take Tomo to work with me every day to work on the case.'

I sighed and looked into her eyes.

'He's going to get better, right?'

She froze up and looked conflicted. I knew what she meant. I could tell she didn't want me to worry, but she still didn't have a definite answer.

'We're going to try our best, ok. I promise I'll find a way to help him.'

'Thank you (N/n).' I said with a small smile.

We returned to see Tomo gently grazing his hand around a red mark he had around his neck. I knew that was there because of the collar.

'Tomo, the collar's gone for good.' (Y/n) said, 'Nobody is going to hurt you.'

Tomo froze at the sound of her voice.

'Dottore will find me (Y/n)...what if he takes me back?'

'Well, if he does, we'll find you.' she said, gesturing to the ankle shackle around his leg. 'So no running around for you.'

'You make that sound as if you're a mom who's put a leash on her kid.'

'Exactly. I have indeed put a GPS anklet leash on you.' she said, smirking. 'And I have the tracking pad with me right here.'

'I am literally four years older than you.'

'But I'm a police officer, and that beats old age.'

'You say that like you know the law.'

'Sweetheart, I am the law. I read the whole law book when I was back in college.' she said proudly.

I nodded.

'She called me up at least six times telling me about the weirdest laws.'

'Why would you put yourself through that?' Tomo asked in disbelief

'What law is interesting also, I needed to make Heizou eat his words about being better than me. Needed to show Master Detective his place.' she said, smirking and punching her fist into her hand

'Wait, is this the same guy who tripped you and said that you fell for him?'

'Yup...I didn't fall for him; he just fucking tripped me. He was a few years too early to say I fell for him, though.' she said, checking her nails.

'Wait, wait, wait, WHAT!?' Tomo and I yelled at the same time

'What? I told him I loved him a few days ago...why are you two so surprised?' she asked with an eyebrow raised

'When did this happen, and why am I finding this out now!?' I said, staring at her in disbelief

'Well, because you never told me you were in love with Yuki, and you never asked.' she said casually. 'I found out thanks to a sixteen year old girl. Diana gave me a good amount of gossip about you.'

'(N/N)!' I said in embarrassment while Tomo laughed

'Don't think you were spared, too, Tomo. Diana told me some gossip about you too. She told me you loved singing California Girls, and you did that all the time while dancing while "no one" was watching.'

Tomo looked at her in surprise, with his cheeks red.

'That is not true!'

'It indeed is Tomo~. I have so much blackmail material on both of you now.~' she responded with an evil look.

'Didn't you just say you're the law?!' Tomo countered

'I am, but I can bend the rules a teeny weeny bit when I want to.~'

'This is bullying.' Tomo said grumpily

'I know you missed me~.' she said smugly

I smiled. This reminded me of when we were kids. Just the three of us being complete messes but being content with each other. No problems or worries on our minds. Just peace, chaos, and happiness.

'Ok, ok, Tomo, tell me if I'm right...if your food falls on the floor for less than five seconds, you can still eat it! The five-second rule is not a myth, right? Tomo, tell him if I'm right!'

'Yeah, that's completely valid and right.'

'That's cause you're slackers, and you're broke.' I said, coughing into my fist

'I heard that!' Tomo and (Y/n) said simultaneously

'I'll have you know, Kazu...I am not broke! I earn $87,610 a year!' (Y/n) said grumpily

'But you still try to get free food any chance you get.' I countered

'I'm being responsible! I'm not spending money!' she said confidently.

'Do I need to remind you that you once had only expired ramen in your pantry? And you didn't buy anything else 'cause you were lazy.'

'That was one time!' she said with her cheeks red from embarrassment

'You two grew pretty close while I was gone, huh?' Tomo asked with a sad smile

(Y/n) looked up at him.

'Well, we only had each other, right? We relied on each other, and look at us now! We're not wrecks! Kazu is a great reporter, and I'm a detective.' she said with a smile.

'I always knew you.'d be a good detective.' Tomo said chuckling

(Y/n) chuckled.

'Yup! You were right when you said I would get into the big leagues pretty quickly.' she said, smiling.

He ruffled her hair.

'I'm always right.'

'Don't get yourself too comfortable there, buddy.' she joked.

'I'm really proud of you two.' he said, smiling gently. 'I wish I didn't miss out on seeing you grow up.'

'Hey, you're here now, and that's all that matters.' I said

'Everything is going to be ok now. You have the best doctors working with you, and you'll be back to your old self in no time!'

I Hate You (Heizou x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now