Chapter XVI: Let There Be Rock

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What the hell do you wear to your first concert?

I had numerous A-list outfits but none of them were right. I didn't want to wear something too revealing but I couldn't possibly bundle up on this warm Aussie night. I settled on a leopard bodysuit and my red mini skirt. I wouldn't last half the night in heels and opted for my boots instead. A leather jacket just in case and my feather earring. 

Mum still didn't know I owned earrings. 

My family had already left hours ago. I was left to swallow my own nerves and pace the living room floor in peace. 

Had I eaten enough?

Should I bring water?

What if I get lost?

What if I...

I took a deep breath. Fine. Fine. Everything was going to be fine. 

My stomach churned. I suddenly felt exhausted and had to sit down. My clothes felt very tight against my skin. I put my hair in pigtails and I kept adjusting them. Every second felt miserable. Why couldn't I feel excited like everyone else? Not going crossed my mind. Giving my ticket up and just crawling back into bed. Calling the whole thing off. I felt too sick. 

Then I remembered the little bottle on the shelf above my bed. 

I wanted so badly to go without.

But I wanted to enjoy myself. 

So I took one. 

Just one. Just a small Dramamine tablet I usually take for motion sickness. And I would be walking to the venue just as I did the other day. But I also knew in an hour's time I wouldn't feel sick anymore. And that was worth it for just one night. 


The venue was chockablock but not overflowing. My vision was swimming but it didn't worry me. I couldn't distinguish one voice from another and I was just floating in a sea of noise. The seating wasn't strict. I wasn't by any means near the front but I could see the stage well enough. Glancing at the crowd I saw many new faces. Except one; I could just make out the blonde hair and the straight nose belonging to the young woman who sold me my ticket. She must have meant it in a good way. 

I grabbed my headphones from my purse and put them on. The show would start at any minute and I wanted to be ready. I knew these men played loud. I'm sure I got some funny looks but at least my ears wouldn't be ringing days later. Not to mention Dramamine told me not to care. 

Then suddenly...they were there.

And they were wonderful. 

Angus came out first. His hat fell off in record time and already he was on the other side of the stage. I saw Bon walk towards the front of the stage holding a microphone in one hand and the chord in the other. He had a smile on his face like always and started dancing. Lights illuminated the stage and after my eyes adjusted I could just make out Cliff's silhouette. Malcolm was on the other side and surely that was Phil behind the drums. 

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

They were really there. Right in front of me. Playing the loudest rock and roll music yet to be heard and I was so glad I brought my headphones. 

Listening to their songs on the record is one thing. I'm alone and I can dance however I want and nobody is there to make me feel any different. But actually seeing them in person....I felt rooted to the spot. 

There wasn't much room to dance anyway. 

But I sure as hell smiled. 

I can't remember the exact setlist but I'll never forget "Let There Be Rock" and "Problem Child". They're staples. And I can still picture Phil replacing the snare drum during a short break. All of them were sweating buckets, especially Angus who by now had removed his blazer and tie and abandoned them on the stage floor. 

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