Chapter XLI: Ticket To Ride

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It took me a solid ten minutes to realise the room I was in wasn't mine. 

I sat up with a start and looked around. I was in a bed but I was alone. The curtains had been pulled shut and I could hear the telly in the living room. 

No...that's a real person...

Pulling the bed sheets off and seeing only my shoes had been removed I relaxed and stood up. My arms ached and I felt a slight discomfort everywhere. It's hard to explain. Cautiously I walked towards the living room and peeked around the corner. 

Bon sat on the couch holding a fizzy drink to his head, drank a bit of it, then put it back. Angus sat next to him talking and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Before I could leave them to their conversation Bon saw me. 

His eyes were as wide as saucers and he smiled like a fucking jack-o-lantern again. 

"Well well, Ang, ya' didn't tell me ya' had company," he laughed. Angus looked up at me. 

"It ain't what you're thinkin', Bon, she jus' stayed the night."

"So you're holdin' sleepovers now?" Bon asked not buying it. "Why didn't you invite the rest of us, then?" He stood up with his fizzy drink and ruffled my hair which was already falling out of its pigtails. "Since you haven't come out wearin' various articles of Ang's clothes I'll believe it just this once." He put the can back on his head and I pointed at it. "Hangover," was all he said. 

Angus yawned from his spot on the couch. I saw a tan blanket had been pushed to the armrest. Fixing my hair a bit I went to the bathroom and got a good look. 

I was shocked Bon didn't scream in horror.

Along with my lopsided messy pigtails my eyes were dead, I had a brand spankin' zit on my nose, dried drool on my chin, dark circles, and eye crust.

Not to mention I once again failed to brush my teeth. 

Getting out as quick as I could in case someone else needed it I made to grab my shoes and leave but Angus waved me over to sit next to him. He even draped his arm over the top of the couch.

He....wasn't disgusted...

I felt very shy. 

Bon certainly wasn't shy as he came back from the kitchen eating Ang's leftover cereal. Straight from the box. "Don't worry 'bout it, Hannah Banana, I'm used to seein' women in our hotel rooms."


"Don't listen to him," Angus muttered. "Bon just came over ask where his room was, didn't he?" Bon shoved a handful of cornflakes into his mouth, spilling some. 

"Sure did. At three in the mornin' all the numbers look the same an' I sorta forgot," Bon said with his mouth full. "Stumbled in here thinkin' it was the toilet an' saw this bum sleepin' on Ang's couch." He stuffed in more cornflakes. "Almost told him to beat it."

"Thanks for not givin' me any dishes to do, Bon," Angus muttered over his shoulder. 

Bon smiled. "Course."

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. Angus asked me to sit here with him but I didn't mean to intrude on their conversation. Should I excuse myself back to my hotel? But I wanted to say goodbye before they left for the tour. I ought to call my mum....tell her I'm coming home soon. 

Snapping out of my thoughts I heard Bon saying he was going to pack leaving us alone with an empty box of cereal and a cheeky grin. Angus sighed and we sat on his couch for a few minutes. It was cloudy today and I shivered a little. "Cold?"

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