Chapter XXVII: We're Only Sleeping

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I made it backstage. 

There were fewer people back there, maybe ten others hanging around the band and crew. One man was drunk and slept against the wall. Beer was flowing and smoke was rising. I wiped my watering eyes looking for anyone I recognised. 

Angus sat on the floor holding an oxygen mask to his face. I stayed back not wanting to intrude. He looked up and saw me and waved me over anyway.

His hair was soaked. His face was red and his shirt was gone. I sat down next to him and he took my hand. His skin was hot against mine and I was almost scared for him. Did it always get this bad? He removed the mask and took a few chilling breaths on his own. His eyes met mine underneath his matted hair.

"Hi," he smiled.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm-" He coughed up a small lung. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He wiped his face with his sweaty hand. 

"You look awful."

He grinned at me and managed a laugh. "Thanks, sweetheart." I sat by his side quietly waiting for him to feel better. Two bottles of water stood beside him, one empty and the other halfway. Bon appeared around the corner with a bottle of alcohol and a towel on his head. 

"Well well, what have we here?" There was that shit-eating grin again. "Made a new friend, have we, Ang?"

"What do ya' want, Bon?" Angus coughed again. 

Bon ignored him. "So, good to see our little fan back again, eh? Can't get Ang outta your thoughts?" Bon laughed when Angus attempted a swift kick. "Ah ah ah, rest up, Ang, no rough housin'." Taking the towel off his head he emptied the bottle in seconds. "How was the show? Right up your alley or downright balls?"

For a split second I hesitated. Then said, "I loved it." Bon grinned. 

"Good! Don't want to disappoint the regulars." He shook the empty bottle in his hand. "Now if ya' don't mind I need a refill." Angus relaxed once he left and I made an attempt as well. The wall was rough against my back and bony shoulders. I noticed him glance at me up and down out of the corner of my eye. I suddenly remembered what I was wearing and began to sweat. 

My stomach growled too. 

Angus looked at me smirking. "That wasn't me...?"

"Come on," he said standing up and offering me his hand. He coughed a little more and directed me to a secluded corner of the room. "Let me powder my nose an' we can get ya' somethin' to eat, yeah?"


We found another diner. We ordered the same thing we did last time. Although Angus decided to splurge a little and got us both chocolate milk. 

"So what's your favourite pastime?" he asked wiping his face with a napkin. "Any hobbies?"

"Well..." Not a hard question. "I like reading. Writing. Gardening." I tapped my fingers against the counter. It was wet with condensation. "Fashion."

"I could have guessed that," he muttered into his milk. I flushed. 

"Uh..." Words were failing me. I couldn't tell him lingerie shopping no matter how true it was. "Sleeping."

Angus wagged his finger. "Good answer." He stuffed more chips into his mouth and tried not to make it obvious that he was speaking with his mouth full. It was kind of cute. "You play any sports?"

"I've always liked badminton," I shrugged. "I haven't played in years, though, I want to play again." 

"Should play you sometime. You can school me."

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