Chapter XLVI: Little Lover

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We were in Sacramento. 

The boys were playing about five shows in various venues and one pub. Then it was off to Boise. 

I had a migraine. 

Angus let me basically sleep on him on the flight. I had taken a Dramamine, Benadryl, and a painkiller for the sharp sting in my lower back. 

He smelled like bikkies and cologne. 

The others seemed to catch on with the relationship between us. They didn't say much about it. Just business as usual. And we preferred it that way. 

Angus reluctantly dropped me off at the hotel for soundcheck. He kissed me goodbye and I told him to take no prisoners. He saluted.

"Yes, ma'am."

I laid in bed for hours. My migraine didn't leave any room for concentration so I didn't read at all. The television was too far away and I didn't care too much for food. 

I wanted to sleep but somehow I couldn't. My brain wouldn't let me. It would be about four in the afternoon in New Zealand by this time so I picked up the phone and dialed my best friend. 

No answer. No answer at home either. 

I felt homesick...

I closed my eyes and began to dream.....


The concert hall was packed. There was hardly any breathing room among the hoard of AC/DC fans that had come to see the band in person. We were covered in sweat that wasn't ours and the roar of the venue was deafening. 

Yet somehow I wasn't bothered.

I hadn't taken a Dramamine either. It was as if nothing bothered me. I wasn't scared, I wasn't sick, nor was I in pain. I was just here with everyone else having a good time. 

The lights shut off. The crowd silenced. And there they were as if appearing out of nowhere, diving straight into their first song, "Whole Lotta Rosie". This was one of my favourite songs sung live. Bon's voice was perfect. Cliff just about destroyed half the crowd with his good looks alone, and Phil detonated the other half with his drumming. Malcolm played the guitar like he wouldn't ever get the chance again. 

And then....there was Angus....

He was beautiful...

In a millisecond his hat came off, landing right in front of me. That's when I realised I was standing in the front row. He was so focused on his instrument that it was as if he wasn't aware of the hundreds of thousands of people that surrounded him. Angus was up there onstage having the time of his life, doing what he was most passionate about. 

Having support of the fans helped too.

But in that moment, it was just him and his guitar. Letting it lead him across the stage. Blues pouring out through his fingertips from his soul. It was pure magic, and at the same time raw talent. There was no band quite like this one.

Suddenly Ang's guitar was gone.

And suddenly he was standing in the middle of the stage taking his blazer off. 

And suddenly we were the only two in the venue. 

He dropped his blazer on the stage floor and strutted his way over to me. It was then I noticed that I was no longer watching from the floor.....

I was up on the stage with him.

I couldn't tell what song they were playing anymore. I couldn't even see the rest of the band. 

And I sort of hoped they couldn't see us.

Angus had the smuggest little grin on his face as he reached for the top button on his shirt. Just like the show in the Whiskey he finished what he started and slipped it off. 

Shouldn't the sprinkler system have gone off by now?

His shirt fell next to the blazer in a sweaty pile. The anxiety that had left me alone for the show reared its ugly head as he stepped impossibly close to me. My palms were wet but he took my hand anyway. He gently spun me around, that cheeky smile still plastered all over his face.

His...rather cute face...

My heart was racing, I felt lightheaded. But....I also felt safe. I felt excited and giddy.

I felt loved.

He gently pressed his forehead against mine. "Enjoyin' yourself, hun?" he asked quietly. I looked around us but couldn't see anyone. We were completely alone. Angus stuck his tongue out at me and flicked it making me laugh. He laughed a little too and looked me right in the eyes, once in a while his glance flashing down. We were a breath apart and I barely noticed the door opening as I closed my eyes.



My eyes snapped open to see Angus closing the hotel room door behind him. He was looking at me. "Did I wake you up?"

It was just a daydream. I slowly sat up, careful to not set off my vertigo. "No, no, I was awake."

"You sure?" he asked again. He ripped his shoes off and hurried to the bed looking at me with concern. It didn't alleviate when I reassured him he hadn't woken me. "How're ya' feelin'?"

I shrugged. "A little better." My nausea had gone and my migraine was little more than a throb. But I still felt a longing for home. For my family. Being unable to reach them made it even worse. I closed my eyes as Ang's hand brushed against my cheek. My heart fluttered when he pressed his lips gently against mine. He pulled away and took my hand. I could barely see him through the thick darkness. "What time is it?"

"Bout..." He looked at his watch but gave up when he couldn't see it. "Dunno. Was around midnight when I left the place. The band went out drinkin' with a few friends and roadies an' I turned meself in. For once in my life I turned down a beer, can you believe it?" he asked.

I smiled and shook my head. The man was a nut. And I loved him for it. 

He stood up and removed his watch. "Mind if you an' I jus' have a good sleep?" he asked. 

"Not at all."

"Thank fuck," he muttered, obviously way more exhausted than he let on. I was beginning to feel sleepy myself. He messed with his belt buckle before removing his jeans and kicking them to the side. Off came his shirt and he practically fell into bed and under the covers. We managed to get a room with only one bed this time. 

Neither of us minded. 

He pulled his pillow over his head and sighed in a comically loud fashion. Then he stretched out his arms in my direction. Carefully I scooted closer to his side of the bed and let myself be taken into his arms. He still smelled like bikkies and cologne, albeit some of it had been washed off with sweat. He mostly smelled like cheap soap and fabric softener. 

Angus pulled his pillow over both of our heads. I wanted to laugh at how ridiculous we must have looked. But it was cooler under there and somewhat comforting. With one last kiss goodnight we fell asleep. 

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