Chapter XXII: Can I Sit Next To You Girl

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I brought my headphones again. 

For obvious reasons.

This time I waited to put them on. I had arrived a bit earlier than I intended. 

And before you ask...

Yes. I took a Dramamine. 

I wasn't going without a bit of help. I was already sweating bullets and imagining every possible scenario where things could go disastrously wrong, I didn't need a sudden case of inexplicable and total meltdown. I wore a very similar outfit to the last concert except this time I chose a black fishnet top and placed a leather garter around my thigh. 

You'd think I'd learn to dress a little less conspicuous. But fuck it, I looked cute. 

The place was rather empty for a Friday night. The bar had plenty of open seats and the tables weren't crowded. I took a booth on the side close to the stage. I started wondering how bars worked. They weren't restaurants with waiters so....if I wanted a drink I'd have to request one before the show. 

And if I wanted a drink of water I could get one of those, and my eyes automatically scanned the place for the bathrooms. I also glanced around for any backstage entrance. The closest thing I saw was a big guy standing to the side of the stage. He looked serious. 

I got a little bored just sitting there all by myself. Even I get lonely sometimes. The booth had a small tray of napkins and I grabbed one along with a pen from my purse. I started writing. 

Nothing much. Just a limerick or two. 

About twenty minutes had passed and the pub was now half full. I didn't want to sabotage my own good time by worrying about the crowds. After all, the more the merrier. But I had rather enjoyed the open atmosphere. 

I was startled out of my wits by a man onstage wearing the widest collar I'd ever seen under the bluest suit I'd ever seen holding a microphone. There was a touch of feedback and he cleared his throat.

"Evenin', ladies and gents, it's good to see ya'. I know you've missed your favorite mates these past few months..." He coughed. "But they're back again for another show." The audience cheered. "I know. I know. An' they've missed us too which is why I'm honored to say...." More cheers. "I'm honored to say they're here, they're loud, and they're ready to play so give it up for...Acca Dacca."

And on went my headphones as the audience roar and Angus' guitar met for a kiss. And once again...there they were...

Right in front of me. 

I was closer to Malcolm's side of the stage this time and as he came out he kept his head bowed and his long hair covered his eyes. It obviously didn't hinder his playing any. Angus didn't have as much room to run around but he made the best of it. Cliff kept his focus on his playing and I could see Phil better from where I sat. And this time, Bon didn't even bother wearing a shirt. 

I was much more comfortable sitting down in the booth than I was standing at the venue. And the smaller audience made it feel more intimate, like a group of friends having a night out. 

The first song I remember was a new one. I can't recall the name but it had to have been on their work-in-progress studio album. Of course I would buy it as soon as it came out, are you nuts? My paycheck was itching to be spent on these men. 

My heart sped up when Angus jumped into the air and landed straight on his knees. Never once missing a note. He was already covered in sweat and when he stood up again his knees were bloody. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Malcolm looking in my direction but whether or not he actually saw me, let alone recognised me, was up for debate. But at the very notion my insides turned. 

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