Chapter XLIII: Friday On My Mind

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Did I mention I hated flying?

At least this was a flight to a new city rather than a new part of the world. I wouldn't go back in time, the seasons wouldn't change, and I wouldn't have to convert my new American dollars for different ones. 

But the distance from the ground was the same. 

Before we left for the airport I made a call to my mum to tell her my predicament. Instead of saying I was going on tour with a rock and roll band I explained I wanted to stay In California a little longer. There was so much more to see and I hadn't experienced it all. She seemed happy that I was enjoying myself, knowing how wary I was of travelling. But I could see she was annoyed at having to work by herself again. I told her not to pay me until I came back. It was only fair and she agreed. 

The jet was smaller than my flight to Cali but much nicer too. We could get up and walk around whenever we wanted and there was so much more room to stretch our legs. 

This was the fucking life. 

Angus sort of tapped his knuckles against his thigh the whole time. I asked him if anything was wrong and he said he wished they hadn't taken his guitar in a different plane. He pulled out a cigarette and sipped at his tea. I noticed he kept his gaze straight ahead after insisting I take the window seat. Cliff sat a few rows behind us talking to Malcolm. Cathy came with us as did Linda and they sat together in front of Angus and I. I didn't see where Bon was but Phil was on the other side talking to a few crew members who boarded with us. A stewardess came by offering snacks and drinks. Angus got more tea and I took a cup of water. I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"Afternoon," Malcolm said looking at me. "You alive, Ang?" Angus nodded his head but didn't turn around. "Here..." He held out a folded piece of paper. "Would you mind handin' this to that lovely lady sittin' in front of you?" I took the paper and looked at Linda. She and Cathy were deep in discussion over a Women's Rights article in a magazine and I hated to interrupt. 

"Yes?" Linda smiled. I handed her the note. 

"Malcolm asked me to give this to you," I said. Linda looked behind me and when I turned around Malcolm was already back in his seat next to Cliff. I didn't mean to look over Linda's shoulder but the note read "you look nice today". Linda smiled.

"Thank you, my love!" He said something in reply but I didn't hear him. Linda seemed to be used to this by now and just laughed it off. I sat back down in my seat and looked at Angus. His eyes were closed and his arms were crossed over his lap. My Dramamine was kicking in and it felt odd to be the one who wasn't unwell. 


I slowly reached out and took his hand in mine.

He sighed and gripped it tight.


Angus looked a lot better by the time we reached the ground. He hurried off the jet nonetheless...but he didn't look so pale anymore. 

A few cars picked everyone up to drop them off at their respective hotels. Malcolm said I'd be sharing with someone since it was economical to share a room rather than any of us pay for another one. And since most of the others were sharing with a woman...

His words, not mine. 

Angus offered his room and he'd take the couch if there weren't two beds available. I didn't think he was in the mood to debate so I accepted. After finding it I stumbled inside, dizzy from drowsiness. There were two small beds and I collapsed on one of them. Angus sat on the other and opened up a small bag filled with toothpaste, soap, and other various treasures. "You want the bathroom first?"

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