Chapter XXXV: Bad Boy Boogie

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Naturally, as it was summer, the sun hadn't gone down yet. People were everywhere, some with takeaway, some in cozzies and thongs, and most with a smile on their face. Their happiness was a bit infectious. 

Or maybe it was the Dramamine. 

Some rubbish littered the street and there was a bit of spray paint. Not too different than Sydney. The city was alive, the neon signs were flashing, and the mozzies were biting. 

Just like home. I could do this. 

My hotel was in the Hollywood neighbourhood so while being a bit pricey it was within walking distance of the Whiskey, thank fuck. Cars honked left and right at crowded intersections and groups of friends were all laughing and cheering with drinks and joints and I almost wanted to join them. I'd have to bring my friend with me next time. 

The smell of takeaway was delicious. I love Italian. Dinner at the hotel was chicken and vegetables and I'd eaten plenty of that to keep me going through the night. The pastry shop was tempting though with its biscuits and fresh croissants. There were pubs everywhere and I glanced through the windows in each one to take a breath of that atmosphere. I must have been on an adrenaline rush to feel so carefree. 

And there....right on the corner of Sunset Boulevard....was the Whiskey. The crimson building was decked from stem to stern in posters and flyers of new and upcoming acts. There was a line of people outside seemingly waiting for nothing. A large sign on the side announced AC/DC and another band I had never heard of before. I knew what I wanted from this night and I was going to get it. 

Inside was dark and crowded. I had to slip my headphones on right away which got me some funny looks. I made my way across the bar and hugged the wall narrowly avoiding a puddle of broken glass. A group of young women looked at me and it made me nervous until one of them smiled. A pair of men looked at me too and started whispering to each other.

Or at least, everything sounded like a whisper through my headphones. 

Finally, five minutes before eight, the band came out. Oh, it was so good to see them again, I felt like I had been reunited with old friends. Malcolm and Cliff were both smiling, Phil had been given a beautiful drum set to play, Bon wore his favorite invisible shirt and....

And there was Angus.

His hair had gotten much longer and his face was....very handsome. Something about him seemed different, he looked older and his smile was radiant. 

His smile....

That was it! He got his teeth fixed! He looked great, they all did, and seeing them up there onstage filled me with a happiness I hadn't felt in years. It was real.

They were real.

This audience was the loudest one yet. The whole building shook from the sheer monstrous power of rock and roll. My very soul vibrated to the music and...I wanted to dance. 

I actually felt like dancing in public. 

Maybe I would have too if I hadn't already been wearing ridiculous headphones. 

They played plenty off the new album with "Riff Raff" being a huge hit. Some old favourites were reintroduced including "High Voltage" and "Dirty Deeds". Eventually "Bad Boy Boogie" started up and many audience members, especially women, started whistling. Bon sang it like no other, he really is the best singer in the world. But suddenly...about halfway through the song...Angus handed his guitar off to a crew member in the very back. And he came towards the front of the stage and started...


The whistling grew louder when he slipped his blazer off. I had seen Angus remove his blazer a few times before, it was nothing new. Except...he placed the blazer between his legs and started--

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