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Year 2007.

"Let me go!"

The man cried out as my shoes pierced his back.

"Please I promise, I would never do this again." He begged.

"Oh really, what are the odds."

Taking my shoe away from his back, i walked in front of him. Bending down, i took some portions of his hair in my fist pulling it upwards, his face now facing mine.

"You are disgusting."

He cried in pain as I started pulling his hair even more.

"Please.. stop. " He cried.

Squinting my eyes at him. I rolled them turning my head to view my surrounding.
Beaten up bodies of high-schoolers coming in sight.

All of them passed out.


"Shut up, your voice is annoying. Besides.. you, and neither of your partners would have gotten in this mess, if you would have just minded your own business."

"I promise you w-we will never do this again, so please let me go."

I put my hand under my chin, acting like I was actually thinking it through.

His lips slowly formed a smile, thinking he will be freed.

"Hmm, no."

His eyes widened.

"If I let you go, you and your partners will continue with this act of yours." I slowly stood up, kicking his face, watching him slowly pass out.

He was disgusting. So were his friends. They wouldn't have gotten in this mess if they didn't try to harass me.

I looked around the alley as i walked towards my bag. Swinging it on my shoulder, i walked out of the alley. Remembering to clean my face and hands with a handkerchief.


It was getting late.
I gazed at the dark sky. Craving something sweet. I decided to stop by a convenience store and bought an ice cream.

Slowly unwrapping it while walking home. I turned right and suddenly felt a force, making me startled. My newly bought untouched ice cream now on the floor.

Damn it. I couldn't even get a single bite.

"Watch it. Idiot." I stated with a scowl looking at the boy on the ground who fell down when he ran into to me.

"Uhh, I am so sorry." He said quickly standing up. As I took my time observing him.

He had blue eyes and yellow hair.
Uniform and face full of dirt and wounds.

"Are you okay? You look like you got your ass kicked." I asked crossing my arms.

"Uh, yea well you can say that."
Rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. His face getting red with embrassment.

He seems familiar.

"Whats your name?"

"Oh, it's Hanagaki Takemichi."

"You are Hina's boyfriend right."

"..You know Hinata?" He asked surprised.

"Yea, she is my junior."

That's when he bowed down. Apologizing once again. "I am so sorry senpai. I didn't know you were my senior."

I snickered. 'This kid was adorable.'

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now