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Pov Violet:

I could feel someone lean in behind me, warm breath hitting my ear.
"Ciao Bella," the voice was soft but loud enough to be heard. My head turns, grayish eyes meeting brown ones and I feel myself leaning in as well. "You're supposed to be at work, what are you doing here?" I questioned with a short but simple eyebrow raise as I lean back on the bar to take a sip from my Negroni.

"È già mezzanotte V" [It's already midnight V] the woman before me smiled amused as she watched me realise how long I've been here. "Veramente??" [Really??] I pull out my phone, checking the time. Half past midnight, fuck. "Well, it's too late to care now. Get drunk and kiss a random guy, that's what I'm here for," she joked.

I rolled my eyes. "You know exactly why I can't," Alessandra brushed a light blonde strand of hair out of my eyes, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I know pretty but you know my opinion on that," she raised her hand to order a drink.

She wasn't wrong, I knew she didn't like Davide. He has always been a bit of a player, hanging around mostly with his friends. Personally I didn't like these parts about him either but he was a good guy, alway put me first and when I told him I felt like he hangs around his guys too much he would spend the evening with me watching any movie I wanted.

"Did you know Harry Styles sat there before you?" I pointed out the barstool she was sitting on and watched her eyes lighting up. She loved Harry Styles, it was almost creepy but it made a big part of her personality and that the both of us weren't that unfamous ourselves made it even more amusing. In the end it was a good use to switch the topic.

"You were here? With him?" I pulled a face since I didn't exactly went here with him. It's one of the only bars in Monaco that doesn't allow pictures so it's quiet common for the famous to check out this place. Mostly you see these that take part at the Grand Prix races. This one weekend each year is something you should never miss. You normally meet the weirdest people here. It sometimes feels so random to walk in and fucking Chris Evans could be sitting in a corner. I didn't meet him yet but I'm counting the days.

"Well, we were sitting here and talked but he came himself. That was two days ago," I couldn't even react as a hand hit my arm. "Ouch!" "And you didn't tell me?!" She seemed very offended but I knew her long enough that I could tell she was just disappointed. She probably would've left the interview she was sitting in that day just for him, that's why I didn't tell her.

"It's race week, I thought you would come and check it out yourself but as a good best friend-," she raised a brow at that. "Don't look at me like that, he asked me if I wanna join his concert tomorrow after the race but I'm on set that time for the midnight walk scene so I told him I'd need to pass but you would gladly take my place instead. He said he would be happy to meet you. You only need to tell the security on the entrance your name, they'll bring you to a good place to watch," I watched her face light up with every of my words and I couldn't hold back but smile with her.

"What are you thinking?" I wondered as she still didn't speak up. "I-..V oh my god. Whatever I can do to make it up to you tell me. I would kill to thank you," a laugh fell from my lips. "Please don't!" She let a hand run through her long dark brown hair as she picked up her glass. "Your next drink is on me," she raised her glass shortly before drinking the whole liquid, me following and doing the same.

I press my lips together in disgust, it didn't taste as good as it does when you drink it slowly but I knew that was going to happen. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. "Who is it?" Alessandra looked over my phone. "Ew, Davide," she pulled back again, not interested any longer as she read his name.

"Wait," my eyebrows scrunched together as I pulled her back by her hand, turning my phone towards her. Not knowing how to feel about what I just saw. "I'm sorry V, I don't even know how to start this but we're done, when I went to France I met someone in Paris. I thought it's harmless at the beginning but I can't doubt my feelings any longer. I don't want you to feel left out in our relationship because of my stupidity. You deserve the world. I'm sorry," she read out loud.

Alessandras eyes went immediately to my face to check if she saw some kind of emotion. "He was in Paris 7 months ago," I wispered so that only the two of us could hear. "Oh." The brunettes mouth dropped shut just as my eyes did the same. I put my phone away, I didn't want to see it anymore. My stomach felt like it weighs double it's normal weight. My hands run through my hair as I open my eyes again, a sigh leaving my mouth as I try not to cry.

I met Alessandras eyes again, she looked like she wanted to say something but hold back to not hurt my feelings. "Just say it already, I know I fucked up."
"I told you he's an asshole! Who knows if he cheated on you in that time?!" My eyes locked it's gaze with my feet. "Maybe it was just meant to end that way. I'm not even that sad, I could feel something is off. I just waited for it to happen but did it really need to be a message? He didn't even try to say it into my face."

I took a sip of my new drink as Alessandra bought new ones. "He's an idiot, just forget about it." I knew she was trying to make me feel better but it seriously only took me more down knowing she was happy he was gone. "I need to work out the stuff on my Instagram with my assistant tomorrow," I mumbled before taking another, yet bigger, sip.

It felt stupid to let a beautiful night like that slip away just because of a stupid message. "You know what? Stop being sad about that idiot. You went out to have fun, right? You can still bowl your eyes out over that man tomorrow." She was right. I should get my shit together.

I took a glance over to her. "How was that with the get drunk and kiss a random guy again?" Her eyes met mine and her lips were curled up, fun playing on her face. "Exactly like you said," she took the rest of her drink down her throat just like she did before, waiting for me to do the same. She jumped up, taking my hand and pulling me on the dance floor.

I gotta feeling by Black Eyed Peas played through the room. The smell of drunk people and sweat intensified as we stepped into the crowd, Alessandra making moves to get me to dance. I quickly joined her steps, it was fun, truly was but I definitely wasn't drunk enough to forget what happened a few minutes ago.

Alessandra seemed to notice cause she danced her way over to a guy, getting a bottle of Vodka from him. Proudly she showed me her win, causing me to smile at her. She put her head back and purred the liquid into her mouth. She couldn't take it for too long because of the burning and passed the bottle to me. With a head nod she offered me to do the same.

I was ready to put the bottle to my mouth as a hand stopped me and grabbed the bottle. "Dov'è il divertimento nel farlo da soli? Lascia che ti aiuti," [Where's the fun by doing this yourself? Let me help you] my eyes met a slim grin as fingers met my chin carefully. He pushed my head back, green eyes following me carefully.

A finger brushed my lips. "Aprilo," he spoke low, demanding me to open my mouth. I followed his order, finally meeting the cold liquid as he poured it down my throat. He hold it a bit longer at my mouth as Alessandra had but I couldn't care less right now.

He made sure I drank the rest quarter of Vodka until the bottle was empty. He pulled back, putting the bottle down, grinning. I fixed my hair and shook my head at the taste of the Vodka as my eyes focused on the sporty men in front of me.

He was just a step away, a step I gladly took to wrap my hands around his neck. He didn't pull away, making me assume it was alright. Instead he bowed down a bit, our lips brushing. In the end I was the one connecting them in a drunk kiss.

Hands found my waist as he pulled away shortly. "Fuck you're hot, you know that?" I took a quick breath before he connected our lips again. He was soft while kissing but not in a bad way. I could taste the alcohol on his tongue and smell it through his breath.

His hands left me, so did mine and he made sure to have eyecontact with me as he stepped away. He winked, still grinning as he backed off, shortly fixing his gray shirt. It was obvious that he was planning on leaving now but I didn't care too much.

A hand wrapped around my shoulder. "Wow, that was hot," Alessandra grinned at me and I glared at her warningly. "I know it was," I started sharing her grin. "Urgh, I'll so have a headache tomorrow," I walked back to our place with her. "You drank a quarter of Vodka from that fucking bottle. Be happy if you can sit straight tomorrow," she spoke amused, pulling me back deeper into the crowd of drunk people.

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