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"Fuck!" I cursed in front of the mirror as I walked back into the room where Alessandra was already waiting for me. She was fully dressed in a pretty black dress, leaning against the wall and was quiet amused by my panic.

"That's what happens when you sleep with your best friends cousins boyfriends

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"That's what happens when you sleep with your best friends cousins boyfriends...friend or colleague? Whatever," she tried to form a sentence as I rushed past her, trying to find my make-up. "That's not funny!" I warned her, running back into the bathroom as I looked at the blue marks on my neck, trying to cover them with the make-up.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry but what did you expect?" She stepped away from the wall, walking over to lean in the doorway of the bathroom. "I was drunk and I was having some fun," I said as I tapped with the small sponge over my neck. "And he was Charles Leclerc. I get your action V but you could've at least used your brain a little bit," she walked over, letting out a annoyed sign as she grabbed the sponge from me. She went on doing what I just did, finishing it way quicker than I did.

"Good, we can leave now," she looked over my outfit, only correcting my chain real quick before leaving the bathroom by my side.

"Good, we can leave now," she looked over my outfit, only correcting my chain real quick before leaving the bathroom by my side

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She grabbed the key card on our way out, following the long hallway towards the lobby. She smiled as she spotted the two drivers having a nice chat on a couch. Charles head turned, so did Carlos and both of them made short eye contact before standing up almost in sync.

"Ladies," they smiled, holding a arm out each. I obviously took Charles whilst Alessandra took Carlos. "We're taking both cars again," Alessandra raised a brow at Charles words. "Why? I thought we wanted to drive together," she sounded a bit disappointed but I knew she was probably assuming something already.

"We will, V and I are gonna drive before you. I just simply wasn't sure yet when I'll leave again," he glanced at me for a moment, shooting me a smile which I couldn't return in time as he turned back to lead me towards his car. Carlos has parked a bit further behind and needed to walk a bit.

Again Charles insisted on opening the door for me, walking around the car to sit down on the other side. "Ouch," he let out a painful grunt as he sat down. "Are you alright?" I checked on him as I buckled in my seat belt. "Yeah, my back is kind of fucked," he grinned to himself as he started the car.

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