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Charles was lying on my bed as he skipped through my Netflix. I was on my way back from getting the food we ordered and placed it next to Charles. "Do you care if I change my outfit into something more comfortable? You could go change as well if you want."

Charles didn't look up and I saw him scrolling through my last watched series. I tried to ignore it even though I was wondering why he was interested in that. "I'm too lazy to leave again but do whatever you want."

He was barely interested so I just turned around, lifting my shirt. A grin appeared on my lips as I felt a gaze fix on my back. "What are you starring at Ferrari boy?" I took a purple hoodie out of my suitcase, pulling it over.

He stayed silent, seemingly unable to find the strength to respond to my question. He simply kept silently watching me, so I turn around and raise a brow at him.

Charles body froze for a second before finally answering me.  "Ehm...nothing, I was just impressed by your outfit, purple suits you very well," he looked past me for a moment, seeming nervous. Had this little joke really caught him that off guard? He tried to avoid looking at me as I changed into black sweatpants.

"Did you decide what you want to watch?" I asked as I laid down next to him on his right side, my head finding his chest and he shortly looked down on me to meet my eyes. "Well, I've got a few favourites," he smiled innocently. "Did you ever watch Harry Potter?"

My head snapped upwards, barely missing his. "You like Harry Potter?" I spoke excited. He didn't seem like a Harry Potter person to me, rather like someone who watched way too long series with his girlfriends.

He nodded proud. "Favourite character?" I shot. "People always tell me I could look like Harry Potter if I get myself glasses so I guess it's that. You seem to be like a Draco Malfoy person." He wasn't wrong. I loved Dracos character and I may have been reading one or two fanfictions about him and Harry but Charles really didn't need to know that, did he?

"What's wrong with liking Draco?" I let my head tilt in interest as I push my body up on my left arm. "He's an asshole," Charles muttered under a hidden grin. "Maybe my type is asshole," I feel his hand hit my arm I was currently having my body weight on.

"I'm taking that personal," he glared as he popped himself up on both of his arms, lifting his upper body. "It was meant personal," for the moment I said it, it seemed like a good idea at least until I felt arms wrap around my stomach and pulling me towards him. I squeeled in surprise as his fingers poked into my skin.

"I'm ticklish, that's unfair!" I laughed, trying to push him away. "That's no problem, I feel like being unfair today," I felt him lifting me over his own body, bringing me to his other side. He was holding my legs with his, trying to stop me from kicking him.

It took me a second to realise he wasn't even tickling me anymore before I stopped fighting against him. His breath was almost as heavy as mine as it hit my ear, he slowly loosened his grip on me before he spoke again. "God you're stronger then you look."

"No need to bring god into this," I rolled a bit away from him as I saw him getting ready to hit me again. "Don't you dare! I will pull out my boxing skills if you hit me again," I warned him. To my surprise he actually listened to me and dropped his hand.

"Good boy," I chuckled, ruffling his hair like I would do with a dog. I earned a warning glare from the brunette. "Don't praise me, maybe it's one of my kinks," I saw the corners of his lips turn to a light smirk. "It's not," I watched him raise a brow at my comment. "..it's not right?" He still didn't answer, which caused me to start actually worrying.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now