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"Do you remember what I told you as we switched helmets?" Lando spoke as he liked his ice, almost finishing it. I could barely hear them since they took a place a bit further away. The sun was standing deep and I was leaning against Charles shoulder, still a bit tired as we sat in the comfortable silence.

"You mean when you said you will remember these two years forever?" Carlos grinned, getting a soft hit between his rips. "No! After that," Carlos thought for a moment, I couldn't tell if he really didn't know what he had said or if he was just playing a bit around. "I was crying, I'm not sure if I remember," he muttered under a breath, seeming to mean it.

"I said I'd beat you at golf one day. You laughed at me, pointing out the one day but I was honestly training with Oscar last week just for this moment," he giggled happily, the other driver just rolling his eyes.
I felt a hand touch my cheek, making my attention turn towards the man next to me who had already finished his ice cream.

His mouth opened for a moment, searching for the right words to find as his eyes wandered over my face. "Sei bello," [You are beautiful] a smile spread over my lips, dropping quickly as I heard someone making gagging noises on the other side. "Your boyfriend is horribly clingy and totally in love with you," Lando spoke even though I shrugged it off, technically it was a good thing right?

"You may be doing your big words but one thing is for sure the second you get your own partner, you'll be worse. You're the kind of partner to cuddle every free minute and steal kisses," I snapped at him, not meaning it bad but I knew he was aware of it.

"And I'm not?" Charles pushed his head softly into my neck, creating half a hug. "No, you're like a dog. You're nuzzling into me whenever you feel like it and when you want a kiss you just go get it," Charles immediately leaned grinning forward after my words. "Exactly mi amor," he chuckled, stealing a quick kiss just like I explained it.

"Okay, time to leave," Carlos clapped his hands onto his lap like Daniel did all the time. He mentioned once or twice that he started doing it because of Nico since this seemed to be a thing in Germany. Turned out half of the grid overtook it by accident, it was really funny to watch - especially when Toto did it. I was lucky to not happen to see Charles doing it yet.

Lando stood up, car only a few steps behind him. He went towards the drivers door, getting stopped by Carlos who's hands found his waist. "He's grabbing him by his waist," Charles pointed out towards me, making shipping jokes about the both of them got quiet quickly into our little friendgroup. Even though I knew he was joking about it I didn't let the chance of raising a brow at him slip away from me.

"Yeah, just like Max is doing to you all the time. Something you wanna tell me?" Charles scoffed amused as he hold back a short laugh. "Well, what can I say? Max is my favourite enemy. Ever seen the mental support rival memes?" He stood up, holding out a hand for me to take. I smiled up to him, taking the hand to get pulled upwards.

"Oh I've seen things you can't imagine," I spoke, referring to the hundreds of tweets I receive over the day. It was horrible but I enjoyed looking into a few of them. If anyone knows the newest memes it's most likely to be me but Charles really didn't need to know that just yet. Alessandra and Daniel joking about it was worse enough.

"Well I know a few things you have seen," he smirked as he opened the car door, getting in shortly after me. "You are horrible for thinking dirty Leclerc," I let my head fall against his shoulder as he took place in the middle seat again. "I know," he chuckled softly, stroking my hand with his thumb.

"Nah, you're a fucking cowboy mate," confused I shot a look at the boys in front. What kind of conversation were they having and would I want to know why that was happening?
"When I saw that bull riding video I only wondered if you're that talented or just good in bed..- ouch!" Lando earned probably his 7th hit for this day.

"Okay! Okay! I just thought maybe you want to try to find out-...ouch!" Again, he got a hit by Carlos even though it somehow didn't manage to stop his tongue. "Seems like you should better shut up Lando," I mumbled as I enjoyed Charles touch. "It needs a bit more than these hits to shut me up darling," he grinned, not holding it long until he felt another hit, following my a second one.

The second one being Charles caused him to kill our comfortable position. I didn't care about Landos nickname but I liked protective Charles so I just settled on sending the brunette a smile as his gaze turned back to mine.
"Is there anything I can do here without getting completely abused?!" The Brit gasped.

"Breathe," I didn't know how Carlos managed to hit people and joke around while driving the car but I decided to not question it until we get into any accident.

I shouldn't have thought that because seconds after I focused back to reality Carlos stopped the car quickly. Suddenly everyone was very much awake, only Carlos was pulling down his window calmly. "Hey mate," he smiled and I spotted a tall figure at the window.

He leaned a bit into the car, stopping his music with a tap on his headphones. He pulled black Sunglasses from his face, revealing pretty, seemingly, green eyes. I would've wondered why he was wearing sunglasses even though it was almost dark but knowing it was George Russell I was thinking about stopped me.

"You're carrying some expensive stuff here, hm? Better don't crash," he chuckled as he looked through the seats. "You even got our drama couple, cute," he smiled towards us softly, making me wave back at him. "Is there anyone who doesn't know?" Charles murmured.

"I would've said Seb because of his high knowledge with technology but I don't think he counts just yet," George started playing with his glasses a bit, looking at his action. "I think Daniel called him this morning. I'm sure he mentioned something," George furrowed his brows. "Wasn't Daniel going to film a video with Yuki?"

Charles pulled my hand into both of his, not seeming too interested in the conversation. "I thought he was going going for a run," Carlos wondered, now getting the conversation even more mixed up. "Maybe he just did all of it," Charles chuckled as he saw the confusion in all of our faces.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but I think Carlos is standing very much in the way," I heard the spanish man curse under a breath. "Yeah you're right, see you next week then. Yeah?" He waved at George, us doing the same whilst Lando only spoke a simple "bye".

From what I had understood so far most of the drivers were leaving early tomorrow. The Ferrari, Alphine and McLaren boys taking one private plain together, directly to the next track. I got offered to go with them, denying because of the interviews coming up. The new trailer was announced for tomorrow, Movie coming out in January and these would already start the first interviews which I could only hope for to be less than the last times.

"Should we bring you guys back to the hotel?" Carlos looked into the mirror to find eye contact which didn't hold cause Charles looked at me instead. I gave him a short nod, giving in to my sleepiness. "Would be great, yeah. We can still go downstairs and do some billiard or games if you want," he answered, talking about the big room with all kinds of games he found at the first nights he had at the hotel.

The boys seemed to be down for his idea but I couldn't listen to their words as Charles leaned into my ear, sliding a card between my fingers. "You're not coming with us. You get into your room and pack your things. You'll have one hour to be in my room or I'll make you regret it," his voice was low and made me pray that the others didn't hear any of this.

"What makes you think I wouldn't like it when you get rough?" I grinned, whispering as well as he did. "I'll find my way to make you hate it," he grinned, sliding back into his original position.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now