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I fixed my dress quickly and took a look over to Alessandra before closing the door of my apartment

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I fixed my dress quickly and took a look over to Alessandra before closing the door of my apartment. "We're taking your car!" She beamed quickly causing me to giggle. "I wanna experience the day where you're willing to take yours."
"Mine is a boring BMW, that's the kind of cars people take for family trips man! You're driving a fucking McLaren V!" She sounded so excited it was almost adorable. I pulled out the key to open the car as she immediately went to open the trunk.

She put her purse away, pulling out two passes, passing me one. "Don't lose it, you won't get in without," she went to the other side of the car to sit down in the dark purple McLaren.

I started the car, slowly driving out of the parking lot

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I started the car, slowly driving out of the parking lot. "Can I choose the music?" She asked even though she already had my phone between her hands. She typed in her birthday to unlock the phone, searching for Harry Styles. I didn't need to see it to guess it correctly.

The drive was quiet short and Alessandra made sure to direct me towards a place where we could park and reach the Alpine garage easily. She got out of the car the second it stopped, seeing a few cameras turned on us. Mostly it was a hand full of fans since the big interviewers where at the paddock at this time.

"Violet!!" Someone screamed surprised and my head turned as I got out of my car, waving at the blonde girl. I made sure to lock the car, making my way through the small crowd, still taking my time to sign one or two things on the way.

A few screams went through the crowd but I couldn't recognise the name at first until Alessandra pointed out a figure behind a gate just barely taller than Alessandra herself. That's when I noticed Kikas gaze on us. She seemed to have waited and embraced her cousin into a hug as we walked inside.

"Hey, thank you for giving me the chance to be here," I smiled gentely as I hugged her back. She waved it off like it was nothing. "I told Pierre he needs to meet you as well. I thought it would be harder but as he heard your name he was totally into the idea. I made him watch all the Twilight movies," she mumbled the last sentence ironically. "Come," she started to lead the way. "Maybe we'll be able to meet some of the others on our way as well."

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now