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After the race Lucia checked the pictures I took, posting a hand full on my Instagram. I didn't take pictures with the drivers but it wasn't needed anyway. People weren't surprised over the pictures since I've been on tv during the race. I've seen a few screenshots from fans, I looked horribly concentrated on them. I mean I was.

Alessandra went to Harry's concert later on that evening. She send me selfies like crazy since I was on set I was only able to see them later which took quiet a time but she seemed to be having the fun of her life. She thanked me a few thousand times more and showed me off the stuff she got and a special signature he made for her.

The last few weeks I spend mostly with filming the rest of the movie we're working on. Alessandras mother came to visit her daughter at one of the weekends, staying for the rest of the week. I invited her to join me on set today since Alessandra was busy filming herself. She didn't hesitate and agreed quickly.

Right now she was standing in my kitchen, brown hair tied up in a ponytail. She put the cup of coffee she just had into the washing machine, shooting me a grin as she turned towards me. "Can I drive?" I rolled my eyes, I hated trusting other people with my car but I knew how much she loved driving it. Telling her a no was most likely impossible so I grabbed my keys and threw them at her.

"Yes! Let's go kiddo, we'll be late," she spoke excited as she took quick steps towards the door. "We're way too early actually," she just shrugged, not caring too much. "We can drive a little longer, I wouldn't complain and I can rub it into my daughter's face later." She loved Alessandra with all her heart but she also didn't dare to put a hand before her mouth. She most likely spoke her thoughts and was teasing her daughter a lot.

She was a amazing liar as well, she showed me how to deal with all the media pressure and got me out of a few situations before. In the end she was part of my family as much as Alessandra was.

"Put something cool on," she spoke before sitting down in the car referring to the playlist she had send me a few weeks ago. I did as told as the beautiful deep sound of the engine filled our ears. I could see her grin in excitement.

"You're my navigation, I've no idea where we need to go," she drove out of the parking lot, making sure to be careful not to scratch my car or Alessandras even though Alessandra didn't really care about her car.

"It's not far, we'll go towards the beach and I'll show you the way from there. Paul, our director, already send me a text that Cillian is there as well. We'll probably start a bit earlier," her head turned towards me in surprise. "Eyes on the road Paola!" She cursed under a breath and turned back to the road.

"Cillian? Like in Cillian Murphy?" Of course she knows him, what did I expect? Honestly. "Yeah, exactly. He's playing my characters father."
"Isn't he too young for that? How old is he?" I rolled my eyes as I leaned my head against the window. "44 or something, I'm not sure but it doesn't make any difference. Orlando Bloom is older than Lee Pace as well and still, he played Legolas father really well."

"But you're 24, isn't it weird? He would be 20 when you were born," I took a glance over at her, she was focused on the road but her mind was definitely somewhere else, I could tell.

"In reality maybe but in the story he's 63 and I'm 27, it's not as bad as you think-...you need to turn right here," I pointed out as we could slowly see the ocean on the horizon. "I'm not gonna be able to watch that movie with your mom. I won't take a bit of it serious."

"We both know you'll watch it anyway. You love my mom too much for that," I sat up straight again as I saw the first metal fences, keeping the fans away from the filmset. "Fair, I do love the times I spend in the cinemas with her a lot. You know, for Alessandras Loki season we already planned a whole week at my house. We'll sit and watch the whole series from the beginning just for her," she spoke excited, stopping before a police officer.

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