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light sexual content

I groaned as I got pushed against a shelf in Charles hotel room. "I really think repeating yesterday doesn't make anything of this better," I groaned between kisses. "Oh really? Who's idea was it then to walk out there with a neck like that?" Charles grinned into the kisses.

I push him away a bit, making straight eye contact. "Who caused the bruises in first place huh?" I earned a chuckle from the taller man in front of me. "Maybe I didn't have the right to do so back then but now..," he leaned closer against my neck.

His breathed hit my skin and I quickly grabbed his shoulders to switch our positions. "Nope, not again," I heard the driver breath out loudly. "Come on," I shook my head quickly at his words. "You're my girlfriend, let me have this."

I had a big smile forming on my face as I heard him say it like that. "Oh? Do you like that? Me telling you that you're my girlfriend?," even though we were in switched positions he leaned forward, brushing my ear as he spoke. "All mine?" His voice was low, sending shivers down my spine. I tried to ignore it, pulling back. "It's not working Leclerc, keep your hands to yourself."

Charles shrugged, pushing away from the shelf. "I tried," he laughed simply, flipping down on the bed. I followed his action, looking to the side to meet his face. "Do you think it's okay now?"
"The rumours won't die but announcing you officially as my girlfriend did calm it down," he smiled carefully.

"Daniel said it seemed like they forced us to do this. Like we tried to hide the relationship just to avoid getting into a situation like this," I whispered slowly, watching Charles head turn towards the ceiling. "Mhm, he's not wrong. I also still didn't talk to Carlos, he texted me. He seemed worried as it happened and maybe a bit shocked as well. After the news spread that we're together his messages died. I didn't know what to tell him and still don't know how to ever walk before his eyes again."

"Maybe we shouldn't go on that date tomorrow then. You should spend time with Carlos instead...fix things and stuff," I smiled shortly, knowing he wouldn't see it. "No, you should come as well. I'll invite him and we do this together. We're a team now, remember?" I felt his hand brushing mine, making me take it.

"How could I ever forget," I chuckled softly, pulling a pillow towards me to turn my position, using it to put my head on it. "Ah-," Charles pulled the pillow away before my head even touched it properly. "What kind of boyfriend am I to let you sleep on a pillow?" He changed his position briefly, tapping his chest.

"So I'm not allowed to use pillows anymore? That's what comes with dating a F1 driver?" I raised a brow at him but then took his invite, placing my head on his chest. "Maybe not every but with me it is. I like the way your touch feels," I felt one of his hands run through my hair, causing me to giggle lightly. "You're horrible," I muttered under a breath.

"Horrible? Oh yeah? Name me one thing that could change your mind immediately and I'll get it," for a moment his words made me think. I could ask for anything now but only one thing caught my attention. "Alcohol."

Charles licked his lips slowly in a hint of aggravation. "Why did I knew you would say that?" He spoke quietly to himself. "Okay, what kind of alcohol?" I would honestly take anything he gave me but if he was asking so nicely already...

"What about champagne?" Charles head immediately started turning from one side to the other. Shaking his head quiet agressively didn't take too long until he answered. "Champagne is for the podium," he noted, definitely putting a red mark after the sentence.

"Okay, got it big boy," I tapped his chest, pulling myself into his arms a bit more. "What about whiskey then?" I felt his hand falling from my hair to my cheek, softly cupping it. "You like whiskey?" He wondered. "Well, yeah. I'm all around the world Leclerc, just like you. Sometimes you don't get the good Italian alcohol and whisky is most likely to be good in bars."

"What about we just don't drink? Instead we could just stay like that and cuddle until we fall asleep," I shot him a bored glare even though I would love to cuddle with him for hours. "I mean I've got another idea but you literally just said no to that," he smirked softly after his words.

I pushed myself up from his chest, now standing in the middle of the room. "You're gross Charles," I heard the bed again, knowing he stood up as well. "Mhm, you love me," he murmured deeply behind me. He didn't touch me, only standing close. I could feel his presence and as I turned my head to the right I could only assume the dark shadow behind me that was dimmed in a low light to be the ferrari driver.

I didn't answer him, only feeling his hand reach out to slowly touch my arm. There was no pressure in his touch, only a warm and gentle feeling making its way through my body. I saw his head lean in a bit closer as he went to whisper to me. "You know that I love you too, right?" I took a sharp breath at his words, trying to make it as silent as possible.

I let my gaze fall to the ground, making my head drop a bit down in a slow process. "You love me?" I heard a hum behind me, another hand reaching to my other arm, just to copy the same action that the other was doing.

"I don't think you get it...Thinking of you keeps me awake for hours. I could've left you in that mess but instead I decided to choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over again if needed. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I would always choose you. And I don't care how people judge us for being together so quickly after you had your break up. I am happy with you, that's everything I need to know," his words weren't long but I could've listened for hours. It was like listening to your favourite song.

"You know, someone very clever once said you should be judged on your performances, not how long you've been around," I looked back at him, catching a upside down smile. "You think so? I think that man was quiet stupid for falling for a woman he shouldn't be able to have," I turn in his grip, grabbing his face.

"I don't know who allowed you to judge my favourite person but in my eyes he's literally perfect for that woman," I felt his nose touching mine and his breath on my lips as he spoke. "I am allowed to judge myself as much as I want," his lips met mine, the kiss soft and not as agressiv and wanting like the ones before were.

One of his hands left my arm and he gently let go of me. His other went to grab my hand, my own leaving his face. "Can I show you something?" For a moment I stared at him in confusion. "I mean-..yeah sure," it was late, there was no possible place I would think he would want to go to now.

"Good, shoes on and dress nicely. We'll need to drive for a moment," he let go of my hand, walking over to his closet. I only kept looking at him in confusion and as he noticed he turned to me again, seeming very motivated for this kind of hour. "Come on, get to your room!" He made a quick hand gesture for me to leave. "Yeah okay! Okay! I'm almost gone," I giggled before slowly making my way out of his hotel room.

Closer as you get - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now