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The whole event went well, Charles didn't share any tears even though I was ready to help him if needed. He was actually having a lot of fun and I did too. He deserved to be happy like this even on an event that was so hard on him. Jules would've wanted him to be happy even when something like this happened.

"Good morning baby," I curled into a ball and groaned as the sun hit my face. My mom had pushed the curtains opened, fully waking me up now. "Happy birthday," she beamed. "Thanks mom," I mumbled, I loved her, I really did but even on my birthday it wasn't a reason to wake up at 9am on a Saturday.

"We need to make you all pretty, I got you a dress. Charles won't be able to take his eyes off of you," she talked like the sun wasn't shining on my face but her. "Come on," she pulled my blanket away, making me groan even more annoyed as I set up. "We've one hour and you look shit." "Ha-ha very funny mom," I turned, letting my legs fall from my bed. It was good that way.

"Here, let me do it," my mother bowed down in front of me, I turned my face a bit upwards allowing her to wash it with a wet towel before starting to apply her planned make-up.

She placed some fabric on my legs with her free hand, making my look down even though I was trying to hold my heads position. "Who picked it?" I wondered as I hold the black material. "Alessandra, she didn't allow me to do it. She said you'd look 20 years older than you are if I did. I took it personally of course but what's a mom gonna do if her daughters best friend got a thing in mind, hm?" She chuckled generally, pulling away from me to check her work. She mumbled something and leaned in again to seemingly correct the eyeliner she just made.

"You've got a busy plan honey. You better get dressed because there's someone waiting for you downstairs," I got up and pushed my way past her into the bathroom. The apartment was surprisingly quiet and through the way she spoke I could tell Charles was the only one downstairs...at least for now.

Fixing my hair I suddenly started to wonder what I needed to expect

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Fixing my hair I suddenly started to wonder what I needed to expect. Normally my day was strictly planned by my assistant and now I was supposed to skip my morning workout and just...do stuff? I wasn't even sure why Charles was here, probably taking me for breakfast so the others could sneak in my apartment. My mom normally did this every time, she just needed to always pick my 'at the moment favourite person'. Last year it was my ex but all the years before she used either herself or Alessandra. It was creepy to consider doing it with Charles, he wasn't used to all this action yet but on the other hand he was a famous driver, he knew all the stress.

A knock on the door made me look up from the mirror I was looking at. I quickly fixed my skirt and unlocked the white door. Charles face greeted me with a shy smile. "Happy Birthday babe," he took in my outfit before speaking the most classic movie sentence I've ever heard. "You look...wow. You're stunning," he offered me a hand to lead me out of the bathroom, another still behind his back.

"I thought a gift is something quiet fitting," he showed me his other hand, a small black box between his fingers. "I'm not sure if you'll like it," the man chuckled nervously as he passed it to me. I let go of his hand, meeting his eyes with a smile. "It's from you, I'm sure I'll-," I glanced down at the box as I opened it, first red and black leather showing and as I lifted it slowly out of the box my eyes met a little ferrari horse hanging on the bracelet. "Love it..," I ended my sentence softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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