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5th December 2024, it was 2 days until my birthday and I just came back to Monaco after I went for an interview to London. I was supposed to meet up with Charles at the track in an hour or so. The sun was standing high as I got out of my McLaren, opening the trunk to get my stuff.

I didn't really notice the black Ferrari stopping next to my purple car as I took a sip to finish my Redbull. "You know they say these kind of drinks aren't healthy?" Charles closed his car door with a smile on his face, causing me to smile as well as I saw him.

"You're just mad about it being Redbull," I smiled as he walked up to me. "Not mad just a bit unhappy," his eyes lit up as he closed my car trunk for me. Getting a hold on my waist to lead the way.

"Are you ready for today?" He said whilst catching my eyes. "Are you sure I shouldn't be the one asking that?" Charles hummed softly. "Fair but I'm alright for the moment," he smiled softly before adding more to his sentence. "I'm having you by my side so we're fine," I turned in his grip so I walked backwards with him, he slowed down a bit to make it easier for me.

My hands reach for his neck and he had a big smile on his face as our steps stopped and I let his lips get pressed on mine. His grip on my waist got harder and he chuckled softly as he let go of me in every way. I offered him my left hand, which he took immediately. "We're doing this for Jules, yeah?"

"Yeah, it just hurts V but I think that's how things work," he spoke as we entered a sand path towards a big field with a, what I would consider, small track in the middle.

Charles waved at someone which made me follow his gaze towards a blonde haired woman. She was a bit older, almost as if-..."Ready to meet my mom?" my eyes widened. "What? You didn't say your mom would be here!" I looked over my outfit. Was it too much? "Quick," I let go of Charles hand, stopping him by standing in front of him. "Do I look good?"

His eyes went over my body and he chuckled, pulling me close by my head and placing a kiss on my forehead. "You always look good but still wrong colours babe." I rolled my eyes, hitting his chest gently. "Fuck off honestly, I wanted a real opinion."

"Real opinion incoming right now. You're looking amazing honey," my eyes met brown hair and I smiled. "Alessandra! Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me you would be here?" I pulled her into a big hug, she took it laughing. I haven't seen her in what felt like ages.

"I've got a birthday to organise with our moms and Lucia," Charles head tilted at the mention of my birthday. "Am I invited?" Alessandra grinned, sending my boyfriend a short wink. "What do you think loverboy?" Charles smile changed, almost making him seem embarrassed.

"Speaking of Lucia, where is she? She would never leave me alone at something like this," I mumbled. "She's with Juliette, I just met here. She seems cool and Lucia gets along with her very well," I nodded thanking, feeling a hand grab my left one again. "Yeah she seemed alright to me as well."

Charles gentely pulled my hand, wanting me to follow him, I shrugged in Alessandras direction which followed us slowly, smile on her face as she watched us. Charles was directly walking towards his mom, that now had two boys by her side which were looking Charles very alike.

"Violet, thats my mom," he made a light hand movement towards the woman he had waved at. "It's nice to meet you ma'am." "Call me Pascale," she smiled, offering me her hand which I took without thinking about it too much. "And these two are my brothers Arthur and Lorenzo."

"Hey," the younger spoke whilst Lorenzo just waved. "He sounds like Charles," Alessandra said leaning in, making me hold back a laugh but luckily my boyfriend came to safe us out of the situation. "Guys, that's my girlfriend Violet," he smiled earning a eye roll from his oldest brother.

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